Semiotic study in a poem" in the Arabic Morocco
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMohsen Seifi 1 , Masoumeh Hosseinpour 2 , Seddigheh Jafari Nezhad 3
1 - Associate Professor of Arabic Language & Literature ، University of Kasha, Iran.
2 - Ph.D. student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan , Iran.
3 - Ph.D. student of Arabic Language and Literature, University of Kashan , Iran
Keywords: بدر شاکر السیاب, قصیدة فی المغرب العربی, السیمیائیة, الدلالة, semiotic study, Badr shakir sayyab, fee-l- maghrebe-l- arabi, Arabic contemporary poem,
Abstract :
"Badr shakir sayyab " (1926-1964) is an outstanding contemporary Arabic poet whose poetry is a mixture of different types of literary, historical, religious, mythological and folkloric heritage. He builds his poem on the basis of antique texts and at the same time, he has a special concentration on both language and texture. He tries to convey both the concepts and structure of his work to the addressee smartly. One of his most important poems that enjoys the potential of various interpretations and different understandings is " fee-l maghrebe-l- arabi " (In Arabic Morocco).The present paper aims to study the poetries at two vertical and horizontal levels by applying a descriptive and analytical approach. Its attempt is to study some of its poetic features.
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