Comparative Study on Lexicon Diversity in Composition Method Based on Johnson Scale Citing Samples of Contemporary Poets
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMohsen Abedi 1 , Seyyed Ebrahim Dibaji 2
1 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
2 - Full Professor, Faculty Member, Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Science & Research Branch, Tehran
Keywords: Verses, measurement, lexicon, الکلمة, المقایسة, الأبیات, الثروة اللغویة, الإحصاء, statistics,
Abstract :
Various methods of scaling has been suggested for measurement and recognition of vocabulary but Johnson scale is the most important amongst which. He believes that by calculating the ratio of vocabulary diversity in a text and counting them the overall number of words would be reached out. In this scale the new words would be counted only once then based on their frequency and counting the various words divided by the overall, the result would be reached. The present article – which has been done comparatively – cites samples of Ahmad Shawqi, Hafiz Ebrahim and Khalil Matran in library – analytical – statistical method.
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