A criticism on “The Dogs and the Thieves” A survey on its form and content
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAli Ganjian khanari 1 , Mahboobe Baderestani 2
1 - Associate Professor of Arabic language and literature in Allame Tabatabayi University
2 - Graduate of Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch.
Keywords: الروایة, الشخصیة, نجیب محفوظ, اللّصّ والکلاب, سعید مهران, Najib Mahfouz, the dogs and the thieves, Saeid Mehran, character, Novel,
Abstract :
The Dogs and the Thieves” is the second symbolism novel written by Najib Mahfouz in 60s after “Olad Haretana” in 1961. The writer denies the republic government through this novel and insists on importance of sovereignty in Egypt. The novel is an image of those countries in which tyranny and injustice are ruled over and actually the justice is lost. The writer criticizes the authorities and the government indirectly by the issues of religion and the women in Egypt and presents them as “The Dogs and the Thieves” to the readers. The present article precedes the mentioned contents as well as its form as well.
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