Features of Passive Critics in Arabic Literature
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesAli Sayadani 1 , Mohammad Saleh Sharif Asgari 2 , Mehdi Shafaei 3
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Shahid Madani University, Azerbaijan
2 - Associate Professor, Kharazmi University
3 - PhD Scholar, Arabic Language & Literature, Kharazmi University
Keywords: الأدب العربی, Arabic literature, النقد الأدبی, النقد التأثّری, خصائص النقد التأثّری, الذاتیة, literary critic, passive critic, passive critic features, intuitive,
Abstract :
Most of the researches do not differentiate between intuitive critic and passive one – in the field of features, applications and methods. This critical school is called emotional or passive critics which emphasizes aesthetics. Thus sensitivity is not the only appliance to wisdom but is a mean to inspire happiness or unhappiness feeling. Consequently the passive (critical) school is the result of action and reaction between art and sensation. The most important feature is responding the reader’s dreams, feelings and emotions. The present article is to study the passive critical features in the Arabic Literature.
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