History of lexical and linguistic studies in the Arab Renaissance
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesFirooz Harirchi 1 , Mahmood Shakib 2 , Hamed Vahedi Karajabad 3
1 - Faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Science and investigations branch in Tehran(professor).
2 - Faculty member of the Islamic Azad University, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Science and investigations branch in Tehran(professor).
3 - PhD student at the Islamic Azad University, Science and investigations branch in Tehran.
Keywords: تاریخ اللغة, المعجم العربی, الدراسات الجدیدة اللّغویة, منهج المعجمات, : History of the Language, Arab Lexicon, New Linguistic Study, Methods of the Lexicons,
Abstract :
Since the end of the nineteenth and twentieth century , the concept of the nature of the language and its function and studied were in change. That changes caused prosecution efforts which made by the western scientists to study most of the world language descriptively and historically ,comparely . KHALIL is the first who authored the lexicon in Arabic language, and who compiled a perfect lexicon between the whole languages in the world. For lexicons is important role in transmission of culture , science and meanings from one generation to another. The methods of the lexicons are in two kinds: meaning method , termic method. Scientists of the language in Europe and America constructed a new study in linguistics.
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