The state of Sharif Al-Razi among the poets of Eulogy
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMohammad Javad Esmaiel GHanami 1 , Ali Sepahyar 2
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Keywords: State, الشعر, المدح, الرضی, مکانة, الأغراض, تکسب, Eulogy, Al-Razi, pretry, purposes. Profit-seeking,
Abstract :
No matter what the extent of effort and diligencr devoted, it seems almost impossible to duely appreciate the role and works of Sharif Al-Razi: In addition to specific and unique features of his time/age which flourished in science, knowledge, and enlightment, Al-Razi had his own distinguished poetic personality. Though this article we aim at fairly evaluating the genius and talent of Al-Razi over- shadowed by Al-Motanabi and susequently Abo-Al-A’la Alma’ri, and over- looked by his contemporaries. This study we claim is to acknowledge his state among the poets of eulogy. The research reveals his recognized rank if compared to his contempories or of other times. His eulogical backgrounds are different from those known and attributed to other poets, since it does not arise from an intention to earn a living, profit or the satisfactoin of an authority or king.
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