The Epic "Hell revolution" in Jamil Sidqi Azzahawi’s poem
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesSamad Soleymani 1 , Rahmatollah Heydari manesh 2
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Keywords: Religion, الدین, الملحمة, الشعر الملحمی, ثورة جهنمیة, أساطیر الجحیم, جمیل صدقی الزهاوی, Saga, Epic poetry, Hellish revolution, Legends of hell, Jamil Sidqi Azzahawi,
Abstract :
Saga is considered of the oldest types of poetry at the ancient nations, and of the richest world literature. And as we know contemporary Arabic literature is of the richest and the most well-known in the art of epic Literature and many of contemporary writers and poets were interested in epic poetry. Jamil Sidqi Azzahawi is considered one of the greatest epic poetry poets and among the most famous contemporary poets. The study of epic poetry, which is one of the finest, and richest, and oldest arts literature is of a great importance. As we study the epic poetry, we see the story of championships and legends in it. To study the epic in the Diwan of Jamil Sidqi Azzahawi is of a great importance. And the epic "hell revolution" is of the best poetic epics in contemporary Arabic literature. Because it is an epic dealing with literary issues, as well as historical, religious, political, ethical, and mythical issues in the community. And it puts in front of the reader and listener a mythical model, and a fictitious or realistic hero. And it’s the epic that hasn’t got any attention, and from this viewpoint this article deals with its study.
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