Hafez and Sayyid Qutb
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesJahangir Amiri 1 , Mohammad Fareqi Shad 2
1 - Associate Professor, Arabic Faculty, Razi University
2 - Post Graduate, Arabic Language & Literature
Keywords: الأدب المقارن, Sayyid Qutb, الشعر العربی المعاصر, Arabic contemporary poetry, المضامین الغزلیّة, المنهج العرفانی, Keywords: Hafez, sonnet concepts, mystical method,
Abstract :
In addition to the religious works, poets Divan in which most are sonnets, has been remained by Seyyid Qutb – contemporary scholar and Quran researcher. He was familiar with Hafez poetries and according to the Arabic translation of his poetry, he fell in love with Hafez’s and started praising him. This made him tend toward mystical poetries and being affected by Hafez, his poetry and his poetry. He knows Hafez’s as spiritual factor for Arabic poetry which rescues the poems of today’s philosophical and logical storm. Love in Sayyid Qutb’s poems exists so deep which mortal loves are not counted. The present paper studies common poetic concepts of Hafez and Sayyid Qutb’s poetries.
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