Examples of Romantic in Mahmoud Sami al-Baroudi's Poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesYaser hooshyar 1 , Firooz harirchi 2
1 - Phd student.department of Arabic language and literature.science and research branch. Islamic Azaduniversity.Tehran.Iran .
2 - Professor.department of arabic language and literature.science and research branch. Islamic azad. university.tehran.iran
Keywords: الحب, Love, الطبیعة, nature, الحنین, الغربة, nostalgia, الرومانسیة, Enthusiasm, Romantic,
Abstract :
Romantic Literary School at the beginning of its existence was considered as a clearly visible renewal in feeling and thinking both. This literary school was a revolution against the restrictions established by classical literary schools. In fact, romantic is one of the literal branches that formed first in Europe, and then in the nineteenth century came into Arabic literature, and Arabic Literature was influenced by it. Mahmoud Sami Al-Baroudi, the famous poet and also the pioneer of modernism in Arabic poetry, was among people influenced and inspired by this school. The present study the romantic examples of Al-Baroodi's poetry which considered as the manifestation of his poetical innovations has been surveyed. The tendencies toward romantic can be apparently seen in his poetry. There, he was influenced by romantic school, as the various tendencies of classical and realism overcomes him, the romantic works. The most important romantic themes in Baroudi's poetry are as follows: nature, love, enthusiasm, complains about society, invitation to loneliness and isolation.
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