Poetic Mystery and Technical Image in Ali Jaafar Al-Allaq's Poetry
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesMohammad Ali Azarshab 1 , Hossein Elyasi 2 , Bayan Qamari 3
1 - professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Tehran University
2 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Tehran University
3 - PhD Candidate, Arabic Language & Literature, Qom Campus
Keywords: الشعر العراقی المعاصر, علی جعفر العلاق, القراءة التأویلیة, قصیدة نواح بابلی, contemporary Iraqi poetry, Ali Jaafar Al-Allaq, paraphrasing reading, Babylonian songs,
Abstract :
Mystery is one of the substantial elements of contemporary Arabic poetry and the contemporary poet applies it as a strong tool in his poetry because of the mystery importance in strengthening and dynamic role. In fact mystery application is not only for expressing the meanings in a complex format; but also the poetic mystery plays a vital role in increasing the power of expressing poetries as well as its beauty and that's why it has always been applied in contemporary Arabic poetry. Ali Jaafar Al-Allaq is one of the famous contemporary poets of sixth decade who surveys his era's society by realism view point. He is one of the poets whose poetries include pessimism which originates from breakups and destructions in his society. The present research studies "Babylonian songs". The results show that the poet criticizes and challenges the present situation by emphasizing his societies past conditions.
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