Indicative Aspects of “Me with Others” Discourse in Buland Ḥaydarī Poem(Case Study: Steps in Exile & Songs of Tired Guardian)
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
1 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic & Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran
Keywords: ME, الذات, reasons, بلند الحیدری, جدلیّة الأنا والآخر, الدلالات, الغیر, Buland Ḥaydarī, Me with Others Discourse, others,
Abstract :
The present research studies analytical indicative aspects of “Me with Others Discourse” based on Steps in Exile & Songs of Tired Guardian Diwans and the aim is answering two following questions: 1- what are the indicative aspects of “Me with Others Discourse” reflected in Buland Ḥaydarī poetries? 2- why does the poet apply the mentioned literary technique? This article intends to cite poetic samples and make relationship with indicative aspects of “Me with Others Discourse” and poet’s emotions and feelings and express values of poetic reasonings. The assumption is that Buland Ḥaydarī applied the mentioned technique for political and social aims from one hand and expressing his internal concerns and crises as well as his poets’ aesthetics on the other hand.
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