Examining the Meaning of Meaning in the Couplets Containing Metaphorsof Abu Madi's Poem “Al-Sama”(According to Jean Cohen’s Theory)
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Reza Hajarkesht
ali pirani shal
Soghra Falahati
Hooman Nazemian
علی اسودی
1 - Department of Arabic Language & Literature. Faculty of Literature & Humanities.Kharazmi University. Karaj. Iran
2 - Department of Arabic Language & Literature Faculty of Literature & Humanities Kharazmi University Tehran Iran
3 - Department of Arabic Language & Literature Faculty of Literature & Humanities Kharazmi University Tehran Iran
4 - Associate Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Kharazmi University, Tehran
5 - فرع اللغة العربیّة و آدابها. کلیة الآداب و العلوم الإنسانیّة. جامعة الخوارزمی. طهران
Keywords: Abu Madi, Jean Cohen', s Theory, Meaning of Meaning, Metaphor, ode Al-Sama,
Abstract :
Abstract: Jean Cohen's theory of poetics is one of the approaches to the new rhetoric. It investigates poetic texts in paradigmatic and syntagmatic level to indicate their connotations. Thus, the present study employs this theory for a descriptive-analytical investigation of the Couplets Containing Metaphors of the ode Al-Sama: Heaven or Paradise, the first poem from Abu Madi's Divan and tends to answer two questions of: What is the reason for poetic level of these couplets? and how the pathems are projected from paradigmatic axis on syntagmatic axis? These couplets have broken the standard phonetic rules of pause, alliteration,, meter, and rhyme, the standard grammatical rules of substitution and deletion, and the standard semantic rules of implicit metaphors.The results show that the abundance of deviation in phonetic, grammatical and semantic level made a good poetic level for these couplets and the projection of the abundant pathems from paradigmatic axis to syntagmatic axis made a deep meaning of meaning for the couplets. So, it became valuable, potential and active.