The Palestinian Resistance in the Novel “Zaytouna Memory” by Suhad Abdal-Hadi
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Naser Hoseini
Nasrin Mansouri
ardeshir sadredini
1 - Department of Arabic Literature, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
2 - Phd student, Arabic Literature, Islamic Azad university, Mahabad , Iran
3 - Assistant Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Mahabad Unit, Islamic Azad University, Mahabad, Iran
Keywords: Arabic literature, novel, sustainable literature, Sohad Abdul Hadi, Zakira Zaitouneh.,
Abstract :
Resistance literature is usually referred to works that are influenced by conditions such as suffocation, internal tyranny, lack of individual and social freedoms, lawlessness, conflict with the rules of power, usurpation of power, property and land. This literature wants to confront injustice and oppression, whether their origin is domestic or foreign. Arabic poetry was the leader in it, until soon the novel appeared and was widely welcomed by the people, so contemporary writers made it a means of encouraging resistance and standing. Palestinian women have made significant progress in writing Palestinian resistance novels. Among them, we can mention Sahar Khalifa, Afaf Khalaf and Sohad Auni Abdul Hadi. Sohad Abdul Hadi has written the novel Zakira Zaitoune, which is the subject of this article. The current research, which was carried out with a descriptive and analytical method in the context of library studies, aims to answer the question of how and which components of the Palestinian resistance literature have been reflected in the novel Zakira Zaitouneh? Based on the results of this research, the author has been successful in describing the looting of people's property and the creation of terror by the Zionists, as well as the lack of weapons to defend the people and the land of Palestine.