A stylistic comparison between the two poems; in the lament of Baghdad(Shams al-Din al-Kufi) and in the lament of Cordoba(Ibn Shohaid)
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
seyyedeh mohtaram shabpa bisheh
seyyed babak farzaneh
alireza baqer
marzieh gholitabar
1 - Islamic Azad University Department of Arabic Language and Literature
2 - Islamic Azad University Department of Arabic Language and Literature
3 - Islamic Azad University Department of Arabic Language and Literature
4 - Islamic Azad University Department of Arabic Language and Literature
Keywords: Sound, stylistics, structure, semantics,
Abstract :
Stylistic studies intend to study the structure of poetry and to analyze its parts and the purpose is to reveal its arrangement according to the phonological, structural and rhetorical levels, in order to distinguish between the literary products and to judge the volubility of it; the literary text is interspersed with weakness and refraction. stylistics studies intend to study stylistic structures in literary discourse, "the rhythmic, synthetic and semantic structure." Its purpose is to reveal the relationships that bind these structures, in order to reach the uniqueness of the literary discourse in terms of its linguistic structure and the realization of the artistic and literary value that lies behind it. This study aimed to study the stylistics and style of language and terminology and its three levels: The phonemic level, the semantic level, and the syntactic level, and made a stylistic comparison in two poems: One is Shams al-Din al-Kufi and the other for Ibn Shahid. In the first poem, the poet laments his beloved city "Baghdad" and in the other he weeps for his loss of “Cordoba”. After studying the stylistic features and characteristics in both poems and comparing them, the conclusion is that both poets have used stylistic features to give it meanings that the apparent language is unable to convey to the recipient. Upon comparison, it became clear that each of them had surpassed in some characteristics over its owner and failed in others. and there is an intentional balance in the rhythm of the two poems.
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