تحليل الهيكل والمحتوى لمقالات مجلة الأدب العربي من منظار أصول كتابة البحث؛ العدد الثاني من المجلد الثامن والعدد الأول من المجلد التاسع أنموذجاً
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
ayat shokati
مسعود باوان پوری
عبدالاحد غيبي
حسن اسماعیل زاده باوانی
1 - Department of Persian language and literature. Khoy branch Islamic azaduniversity. Khoy
2 - أستاذ مساعد في قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها بجامعة الأديان والمذاهب، قم، إيران
3 - أستاذ في قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها بجامعة الشهيد مدني بأذربيجان، تبريز، إيران
4 - أستاذ مشارك في قسم اللغة العربية وآدابها بجامعة الشهيد مدني بأذربيجان، تبريز، إيران
Keywords: Criticism of criticism, Journal of Arabic Literature, the origins of research writing,
Abstract :
Refereed scholarly articles play a fundamental role in the production of science, the advancement of scholarly professors, and the admission of doctoral students; this may lead to haste and non-compliance with the principles of writing the correct research in preparing articles. A critical review of an article or "criticism of criticism" found a special scientific place between critics and writers. There is no doubt that the articles published in scientific journals are not without flaws and errors. Her scientific criticism paves the way for the benefit and enjoyment of writers and emerging researchers on the one hand, and the commitment of writers more precisely to writing articles on the other. One of the scientific journals in Iran, the Journal of Arabic Literature, which is run by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Tehran. For the criticism of the scientific journal mentioned, the authors of the current study chose thirty-one articles from two numbers; the second issue of the eighth volume and the first issue of the ninth volume adhering to the descriptive-analytical approach. Study results show that most of these articles are acceptable in terms of writing style. However, the lack of attention to the principles of writing the correct one led to some deficiencies in the structure and scientific content of the articles. For example: Eleven research titles do not meet the correct standards for addressing.