The importance of an interdisciplinary approach in analyzing the rhetorical and literary aspects of the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mohammad Amin Roudini
Javad Sa’dounzadeh
Sohad Jaderi
1 - PhD Candidate, Faculty of Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Abadan Branch
2 - Associate Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language & Literature, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz
3 - Assistant Professor, Faculty of Arabic Language & Literature, Islamic Azad University, Abadan Branch
Keywords: Literature, rhetoric, Quran, expression, puns,
Abstract :
Today, artists are interested to do group activities to create works more than ever, because these groups are made up of people with different specialties. It is a method in which each discipline fully preserves its concepts, structure, principles, ethics and methods, as well as the order in which they are presented, which two or more disciplines are combined with unique programs and, of course, specific methods. Each discipline examines specific topics, and perhaps the importance of different perspectives from different specialties on a topic is one of the reasons for following the mentioned methods. The topics of Quranic sciences and their expansion to literary and rhetorical themes from the perspective of different disciplines help to deepen the position and correct understanding of the meanings of the words of revelation. This study aims to define the status of Quranic concepts from a literary and rhetorical point of view. The applied method of the present study is descriptive – analytical and the used tools are library resources in the fields of Arabic interpretation, literature and rhetoric. The results of this study show that the evaluation of Quranic concepts from the perspective of various sciences refers to the progress and developments of the contemporary literary period, where the author enters the field of Quran to find a suitable text for study and research in Arabic and familiarity with contemporary topics.
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