Resisting foreign occupiers in the poetry of Jawad al-Hattab
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mehdi Shahrokh
Arshad Thamer Ibrahim Al-Khafaji
1 - Assistant Professor، Department of Arabic Language and Literature، University of Mazandaran، Iran
2 - Master in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature، University of Mazandaran، Iran
Keywords: Jawad al-Hattab, Resistance poetry, Resistance, Occupier,
Abstract :
Resistance literature charts the course of the popular struggle that comes with the aim of liberating the land, and defending religion and culture against evil aggressors against those national and human values in a refined literary style. Contemporary Iraqi poet Jawad Al-Hattab is famous for his struggle stance and his resistance poetry in the Iraqi arena. And staying at home, where his book “A Wreath of Music on the Corpse of a Piano” was the first anti-occupation book of a poet living under occupation. This research aims to study the poetry of Jawad Al-Hattab's resistance against the American occupier, based on the descriptive analytical method. The results of the research indicate that the poet’s poetry is replete with issues of praising the martyrs and heroes, denouncing the American invaders, revealing their crimes, and inciting armed struggle against them, and the poet’s resistance axes is a call to struggle and expose American crime in Iraq with the aim of mobilizing world opinion and mobilizing the Arab masses against them and praising the heroes and martyrs because The role of the martyr in advocating the cause of liberating the country. We also see the emphasis on the element of hope for liberation in abundance in his poetry of resistance, where the recipient finds hope of victory and liberation important to his poetry.
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