Structural components of poetry Boshra Bostani Case study
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Yahya Maerof
Somayeh Bakhtiary
1 - Razi University, Kermanshah
2 - PhD student at Razi University, Department of Arabic Language and Literature
Keywords: Bushra Al-Bustani, The three departments, Stylistic Components,
Abstract :
Structural components are a new branch of stylistics in which the features of language in literary works are examined, which include synthetic, audio, and semantic levels. This research intends to study these components in three human poetry collections of Bostani (Andalusiat le joroh el-Iraq), (Albahr ystad al-Dzafaf) and (Makabdat al-Shajar).At the compound level of sentence length and brevity, the structural elements of speech such as beginner and news, verb and subject, order of presentation or delay of each component of the sentence, the relationship between adjective and adjective and addition, composition or news. At the acoustic level, internal music or internal rhythms (such as repetitions, etc.) and external music (prosody weights of rhymes, rhyme, narration, and prosody) are explored. In the following, one of the semantic levels, namely simile, which the language of poetry implies, is discussed. And statistics of various similes will be presented in the three divans of the poet.
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