“A New Dream” by Afaf Tabbala, a children’s story that adults not seen in it
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
sobhan kavosi
omid izanloo
zahra ahmadi
1 - kosar university of bojnord،bojnordTiran
2 - kosar university of bojnoord،bojnord،iran
3 - kosar unoiversity of bojnoord
Keywords: s literature, children', carnival, Authoritarianism, filling in the blanks,
Abstract :
Children's literature is educational tool to answer children's questions that develope his personality. The article -with the analytical method- study authoritarianism and carnavalism in “A New Dream”. Adults write for children, and authority determines what should be in children's literature. Therefore, there is imbalance between adults and children, which reinforces the authoritarianism of adults over children's literature. Main characters in “A New Dream” are animals bearing human characteristics and through it we can stimulate the child’s imagination. Adults are the creators of children's literature, and when the character childs act like an adult without supervision, the carnival enters the story. The relationship between Carnival and children's literature is related to the authoritarian relationship between children and adults. the adults not seen in this story, and the little reader does not wait to hear them advice, teachings,. three characters seem at first little adults, and sometimes the characteristics of the characters are depicted and difficult for the reader to imagine them as children that can cause a kind of mistrust in the child and may lead to a kind of strangeness to them. We see some contradictions in characters' intelligence and inability. The most important point seek to resolve problems. Filling the blanks is a process that the writer uses in the story and leaves gaps in which the reader has the task of filling them in order to complete the structure of the text. But Tabbala fills in the blanks and not allow the child's to imagination.
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