A Study on the Aesthetics of Khalil Hawi’s Poetic Language (Case Study of Sodom and Post – Ice Poems)
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature StudiesBahman Hadiloo 1 * , Ebrahim Nateq Tajraq 2
1 - Assistant Professor, Arabic Language & Literature, Faculty of Science and Education of Holy Quran, Qom
2 - PhD, Arabic Language & Literature, Imam Khomeini International University, Qazvin
Keywords: Khalil Hawi, contemporary poetry, aesthetics of poetic language, poets’ elements,
Abstract :
In the contemporary period, following the new conditions that occurred in the Arab society, the language of poetry changed and the poets renewed their poetic language. Khalil Hawi, like his other counterparts, innovated in different parts of his poetic language and used poetic language as a tool for creativity and a tool for creating images, so his poetic language has a special charm and beauty that deserves to be studied. The present article descriptively-analytically discusses the aesthetics of the poet's poetic language in order to achieve the aesthetic components in two poems (Sodom and Post ice). He has the power of expression and delicacy, and sometimes we see that he uses a language full of the spirit of life and emotion. Structurally, it has given a new emotional atmosphere to the poem, the use of which has led to beauty in his poetic language, including the most important elements of beauty, a part of the poet who uses it to create a distinctive image in his poetry and express special beauty in his poetic language. They include: repetition of words to emphasize meaning and music creation, change in sentence structure, use of the speaker's (intrinsic) conscience that refers to the poet's concern for the nation, visual paradox, contempt in the structural and semantic type, and the use of the myth of Tammuz.
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