A social view of mixing the Iraqi novel and violence, the "alkaferah" novel by Ali Badr as a model
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studiesحسن مجیدی 1 * , حسن jafarnejad 2
1 - جامعة الحکیم السبزواری
2 - Ilam University
Keywords: Modern literature, Violence, Ali Badr, social analysis, the alkaferah novel,
Abstract :
The novel "alkaferah" is the twelfth of the Iraqi writer's series of novels. Ali Badr, Badr touched on the political conditions and the crisis social issues in Iraq at the present time, so that the addressee absorbed the suffering of the people, social problems and the events of the country. The study focused on revealing the dominant violence and barbarism and its profound impact on the Iraqi street.. This study, depending on the social method, seeks to study the “infidel” novel, where the novel focused on the outbreak of the ongoing war, terrorism, violence and insecurity, and thus on the basic issues in the life of the defeated Iraqi individual. On his issues ranging from betrayal, aggression, alienation, chaos, prejudice and gender inequality to suicide, the writer highlights the phenomenon of violence in his novel and expresses it in various ways. The novel in general highlights reality and social issues; The book is based on an in-depth examination of the personality of the individual and Iraqi society; It expresses the details of this society; Identifies its shortcomings and shortcomings; He mentions the types of violence in the novel. From the writer’s point of view, avoiding violence and altars can only be achieved if the society is cohesive, cohesive and socially harmonious, in which it criticizes in particular the surrounding social situation and social conditions, as well as the current realities of Iraqi society, the suffering of the working classes and the inferiority of society,
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