Revolutionary and protest approach in the poems of Yahya Al-Samawi and Maroof Al-Rasafi
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Mostafa Esmailpour
Asiyeh Zabih Nia Omran
Mahmoud Sadeghzadeh
1 - PhD student in Persian language and literature. Anar unit. Anar Islamic Azad University. Iran
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature, Payame Noor University of Yazd. Iran.
3 - Associate Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature. Yazd unit. Islamic Azad university. Yazd. Iran
Keywords: Iraq, protest, Revolutionary Culture, Al-Rasafi, Al-Samawi,
Abstract :
Yahya al-Samawi and Maruf al-Rasafi (1875-1945) are Iraqi contemporary poets who, in their poems, call for the fight against internal tyranny and foreign violation in all political, social, cultural and economic fields and to stand up against anti-liberation currents and the situation of Iraqi society has played an important role in their poetry. Al-Samawi and Al-Rasafi, in their revolutionary poems, seek a language to talk to all the people of the world and to express the sufferings of humanity. Revolutionary culture is as a protest and critical poem that expresses social pains and sufferings. And it is like a court for trial and condemning destruction, revelations; anti-oppression ... In this article, it is tried to study the revolutionary effects and their reflection in the poems of these two Iraqi poets by descriptive and analytical methods.
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