Criticism and Analysis of Women's Concerns in Shahd Al-Rawi's Novel "The Hour of Baghdad"
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studiestahereh akbari 1 , mohammad shayganmehr 2 * , fariborz hosein janzadeh sarsti 3
1 - PhD student, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashmar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran.
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashmar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran.
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Kashmar Branch, Islamic Azad University, Kashmar, Iran.
Keywords: Society, women, war, Shahd al-Ravi, Baghdad, Iraq.,
Abstract :
Among contemporary Arabic novels, one of the works that has attracted attention in the past decade is the novel "The Hour of Baghdad" by Iraqi author Shahad Al-Rawi, who was shortlisted for the 2018 Arabic Booker and won the First Book Award at the Edinburgh International Festival in the same year. The novel "The Hour of Baghdad" has raised many social issues that Iraqi society has faced over the past thirty years in simple and fluent language. The author has reflected the pains and aspirations the war-torn Iraqi people in the form the life a little girl growing up in the Baghdad environment. In this research, based on the descriptive-analytical method, the issues related to society and the concerns women raised the novel "The Hour of Baghdad" are analyzed and it seeks to answer the question: based on the above novel, what misfortunes, concerns and problems have Iraqi girls and women faced? One of the most important results the research is that the characters of Shahd al-Rawi in "The Baghdad Hour" are mainly middle-class women and girls, and the story progresses with their experiences of hardship, love, and dreams for the future. War and the traditional view women are considered the most important obstacles the freedom of Iraqi women and their social rights. Also, factors such as the same gender, common emotions and experiences, familiarity with feminist attitudes and being influenced by them have made the approach and themes of this work attractive and prominent.
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