The symbol of night and its connotations in the poems of Abdel-Moati Hijazi and Sohrab Sepehri (a comparative study)
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Habib Afri mofred
sohad jaderi
javad saadonzadeh
1 - PhD student, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Abadan Branch, Azad Islamic University, Abadan, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Abadan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Abadan, Iran
3 - Professor Mashark, Department of Arabic Language and Literature, Abadan Branch, Azad Islamic University, Abadan, Iran
Keywords: Comparative literature, Symbolism, Night, Ahmed Abdel Muti Hegazy, Sohrab Sepehri.,
Abstract :
In the contemporary era, the use of symbols is considered an effective tool to indirectly express the ideas and concerns of poets and writers. The night, as an element of nature and one of the important times, has always been the subject of interest for poets from different literatures throughout history, as it brings tranquility and calm to the soul after the toils of the day at times, and brings pain, worries and sorrows when loved ones are abandoned and moved away at other times. It is the constant companion and lover of the poet’s terrible solitude, in which he sings with his deep imagination a hymn of nostalgia and longing, and the night has a brilliant poetic image in the lives of many poets, as it may suggest a time of delusion, life, apathy, anxiety, fear, oppressor, enemy, and…..., throughout history, many poems have been composed using this important temporal element, but what is distinguished in the current era is that in contemporary poetry, this temporal element has found a symbolic presence. This means that the writer and poet did not address it directly. But he tried to express his concerns and the innermost feelings of his heart by identifying with this element of time and using the dynamic cognitive ability hidden in it.
قائمة المصادر
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