Studying the integration of the feeling of loneliness in the poems of Shahriar and Abumazhi
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studiesroghayeh karimi 1 , ali eynalilu 2 * , sepideh Sepehri 3
1 -
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature, Roudhen Branch, Islamic Azad University, Roudhen, Iran
3 - assistant professor department literature university azad Islamic ,roudehen , iran
Keywords: existentialism, loneliness, Shahriar, Ilya Abumazhi,
Abstract :
The concept of "loneliness" is as old as human life, although its type is different in different eras. Anthropology research shows that the feeling of loneliness can be examined from several areas. Examining the feeling of loneliness shows that people have experienced different types of loneliness during their lives. The present study deals with the comparative study of the feeling of loneliness in the poems of two prominent contemporary poets, Shahriar and Ilya Abumazhi. Some of the poems of these two poets depict loneliness from different aspects, especially from an anthropological and psychological point of view. In this research, three types of loneliness have been considered: interpersonal loneliness, intrapersonal loneliness and existential loneliness. In interpersonal loneliness, the poet deals with the feeling of alienation and isolation in social relationships, which is caused by separation from others. In personal loneliness, the poet refers to inner lostness and inability to recognize and flourish in his different fields. Finally, existential loneliness as an existential experience is a central theme in the poems of Shahriar and Abu Maazi, which is always associated with humans. This research shows that both poets have dealt with these concepts in a unique way. The findings show that in Shahriar's poems social loneliness, the feeling of decline and in other words interpersonal loneliness are reflected, while Abu Maazi deals with deeper themes of existential loneliness.
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