Analysis of the components of the psychological theory of "Carl Rogers and Abraham Maslow" in the Holy Quran
Subject Areas : Contemporary Literature Studies
Godarz Kakavandi
Farideh Akhavan
1 - PhD in Arabic language and literature, lecturer at Farhangian University
2 - PhD in Arabic language and literature
Keywords: psychology, Carl Rogers, Abraham Maslow, dignity, Holy Quran.,
Abstract :
Carl Rogers is a clinical psychologist and one of the pioneers of the humanistic psychology approach. Among the basic concepts of Rogers' theory of the self, we can mention the emphasis on the individual as a coherent entity, the individual's mental image of himself, the transformation of personality, the relationship between guide and reference, and providing a suitable psychological environment for the realization of psychological growth. Abraham Maslow is also a psychologist who is one of the pioneers of the theory of the hierarchy of needs. The basic concepts of Maslow's theory include essentialism and self-actualization, freedom and responsibility, which consider a person to be free and responsible for his own choices. From the point of view of the Holy Qur'an, man is a being who has the ability to subjugate the world and employ angels and can fall to the lowest levels. It is man himself who must decide about himself and determine his final destiny. Man has a high position and dignity. In addition to having intrinsic value, he is able to achieve high spiritual perfections. This article was written based on the descriptive-analytical method and citing library sources, and after examining the criteria of Rogers and Maslow's psychological theory in the Holy Quran, it was concluded that many of the criteria mentioned in this theory about human beings in the Holy Quran as well. came and are discussed in the following pages.
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