Application of a New Model for Magnetorheological Damper and Investigation of Its Effectiveness in Vertical Mass Isolated Structures
Subject Areas : Analysis of Structure and Earthquake
Mohamad Shahrokh Abdi
مسعود نکوئی
1 - Department of Civil Engineering, Sanandaj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sanandaj, Iran
2 - گروه مهندسی عمران، واحد علوم و تحقیقات، دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی ، تهران، ایران
Keywords: MR damper, nonlinear, convergence, seismic control, displacement.,
Abstract :
Due to the controllability of magneto-rheological (MR) damper, the application of these dampers in seismic control of structures has been considered. One of the challenges of modeling these dampers is their complex nonlinear behavior. Using existing parametric models for these dampers in seismic analysis of structures, causes divergence issues and requires more time to analyze the structures. In this research, a velocity and displacement-based nonlinear polynomial model for MR damper is presented. The proposed model is a four-state model and is based on experimental results. The current is considered as a control parameter to provide the controllability of this model. Finally, to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed model, its application in the seismic control of vertical mass isolated structures is investigated. The results indicate the high accuracy of the model for calculating the damper force and reduce the required time for analysis of the structure. Moreover, the convergence issues are removed using this model.
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