Presentation of an Import Risk Management Model in the Customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran and Its Role in Businesses
Subject Areas : business management
Ali reza Faghih Nasiri
Morteza Yar Ahmadi
Ali Reza Tamjid Yamchelo
1 - PhD Student, Department of Public management, Sari Branch, Islamic Azad University, Sari, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public management, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Public management, Parand Branch, Islamic Azad University, Parand, Iran
Keywords: Risk management, imports, customs, resistance economy, business.,
Abstract :
Risk management is a key tool for improving customs performance and positively impacting businesses. Iran Customs, responsible for overseeing imports and exports and combating illegal trade, requires the design and implementation of effective risk management models. This study presents a comprehensive model for import risk management based on the principles of the resistance economy. The research methodology is mixed-methods, including both qualitative and quantitative analyses. In the qualitative phase, the Delphi method and interviews with 14 experts, including the Head of Customs and senior managers, were conducted. In the quantitative phase, data collected from 165 customs managers were analyzed using statistical methods. The findings indicate that the lack of electronic equipment, absence of meritocracy, and sudden changes in customs duties are the most significant import risks. The proposed model identifies, prioritizes, and formulates management strategies that can improve customs processes, reduce import risks, and facilitate legal trade, ultimately supporting business growth and economic development.
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