Identification of bottlenecks and effective criteria for nonperforming claims of the bank using the Fuzzy DEMATEL method (Case study: one of the large commercial banks)
Subject Areas : business managementdavod khosroanjom 1 * , behzad keshanchi 2 , Sayed Mehdi Ahmadi Afshar 3 , amir pourgholi 4
1 - Department of Industrial Management, College of Management & Economic, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Banking Management, College of Economic Sciences, School of Banking Sciences, Tehran, Iran.
3 - Department of Business Management, College of Management, Tehran Markaz Branch, Islamic azad university Tehran, Iran.
4 - Department of Accounting, College of Economic & Accounting, Tehran Markaz Branch, Islamic azad university Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: Fuzzy DEMATEL, nonperforming claims, how to systematize the monitoring of non-current claims,
Abstract :
One of the main challenges that banks face today is the problem of nonperforming claims and their uncollected facilities, and this can be the source of many crises. The growing volume of nonperforming claims in addition to locking up and freezing resources and slowing down liquidity in the economy, reduces accreditation and optimal allocation of resources when providing facilities to productive customers. Therefore, in order to identify the indicators and analyze them, two separate questionnaires were used to collect and analyze the opinions of managers and experts in the field of credit and nonperforming claims. Then, using the first questionnaire, the components and criteria obtained were discussed with several experts in the field of research (10 experts) to make corrections. In the second questionnaire (7 experts), using the Fuzzy DEMATEL approach, in order to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the indicators, factors and criteria of receivables that have an internal dependence and interaction on each other are analyzed. The results showed that the criterion of how to systematize the monitoring of non-current claims is the main factor in the obstacles to the collection of nonperforming claims and the total effectiveness of this criterion is higher than other criteria.