Compliance risk assessment by modeling the documents of the International Organization for Standardization and the guidelines of the Tradeway Commission (Case study of one of the operating banks)
Subject Areas : business managementdonya hajishahverdi 1 , Gholam Reza Zomorodian 2 *
1 - Department of Financial engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
2 - Department of Business Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran.
Keywords: risk management, Compliance, Compliance with rules and regulations, ISO standard,
Abstract :
Compliance can be defined as the compatibility of performance with the tasks of compliance with the activity supervisor and the risk of compliance as a possibility of non-fulfillment of these tasks. The occurrence of this risk can lead to the imposition of various crimes, legal and regulatory penalties, financial losses or damage to the good reputation of organizations and, consequently, attract the attention of competent institutions. In the present study, the risks of observing one of the operating banks of the country were identified by modeling the documents of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) and the guidelines of the Trade waynCommission and using structured interviews, surveys, checklists and obtaining expert opinions. Then, according to the experts and using the business impact analysis method, the importance (impact) of the factors and the probability of occurrence of each factor were determined and the relevant risk matrix was drawn and items with significant importance on risk management were identified in four areas. Finally, solutions were proposed to deal with the identified risks.