Comparison of growth factors Rutilus Kutum two races autumn and spring after the transfer of Caspian Sea 10PPT
Subject Areas : Breeding and Aquaculture Sciences JournalAfshin Sendesi Amiri 1 * , Mohammad Salavatian 2 , Shaebali Ghorbani 3 , Reza Ramezani 4 , Rodabeh Rofajaei 5 , Dariush Parvaneh 6
1 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
2 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
3 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
4 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
5 - Aquaculture Research Institute, Bandar Anzali, Iran
6 - Inland Waters Aquaculture Research Center, Iranian Fisheries Science Research Institute(IFSRI), Agriculture Research Education and Extension Organization (AREEO), Bandar_e Anzali, Iran
Keywords: growth factors, Rutilus Kutum, Races,
Abstract :
This research was conducted for 45 days at the Caspian Sea Aquaculture Research Center (Aquaculture Research Institute). Treatments included autumn and spring form, which were randomized and three replications. A total of 6 tests planes were used. Water was supplied from pumping water from the Caspian Sea coast. The meal was started with SFC1 Concentrate. The feeding rate was considered to be 4% of total weight. The results showed that the maximum and minimum amount of weight gains were occurred in race, autumn treatment (mean= 42.66±1.82) and spring race (mean= 31.92±8.24), respectively. The minimum average of FCR (4.13±0.11) was referred to race, autumn treatment and the maximum of that (5.18 ±1.41) was referred to spring race.
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9. Templeton,R.G. (1970). An investigation of the advantages of autumn and spring stocking with Brown trout Salmo troutta L. in a Yorkshire reservoir.J. Fish Biol.3, 303-324.
American public Health Association (APHA).,(1989). Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. 7th ecl. P150 – 453.
2. Amiri,A., (2008). The effect of water salinity on growth and survival of Rutilus frisii kutum fingerlings. Iranian Scientific Fisheries Journal.vol,no.1,pp23-30.
3. AOAC.,1995 offcicial methods of analysis of aoacinternational .vol.i. agricultured chemicals contaminats,drugs,16th editiom.aoac international, Arlington, va.1298p.
4. Berg,.S., (1965). fresh water fishes of the u.s.s .r and adjacent countries vol II Translation Jerusalem .
5. Gamble,j .;Maclachlan ,p;and Maclachlan,p; Seaton,D;.(1985). Comparative growth and development of autumn and spring spawned Atlantic herring larvae reared in large enclosed ecosystems .Marine Ecology . vol.26: 19-33
6. Johannessen ,A;Blom,G . (2000). Differences in growth pattern between spring and autumn spawned herring (clupea harengus) vol.85 pp:461-466.
7. Razavi, B. (1995). Rutilus frisii kutum.Ministry of agriculture-gahad –Iranian fisheries science research institute,pp 3-4
8. Rezaikhah,M. .(1995). Breeding Rutilus frisii kutum fingerlings using Soybean leachate and animal manure. master thesis,PP5-6
9. Templeton,R.G. (1970). An investigation of the advantages of autumn and spring stocking with Brown trout Salmo troutta L. in a Yorkshire reservoir.J. Fish Biol.3, 303-324.