Investigation of the Effect of Steroid Supplements on Renal Factors of Male Bodybuilders in Dehdasht
Subject Areas : Journal of Animal BiologyY. Edalat panah 1 * , F. Enayati parvar 2
1 - Cellular and Molecular Research Center of Yasuj University of Medical Sciences
2 - Medical University, Yasouj, Iran
Keywords: Biochemical factors, Methandrostenolone, Esteroidal supplements, Oxymetalone,
Abstract :
Nowadays, the use of energizers has become widespread among athletes, causing many complications for their health. This study aims at investigating the effect of steroid supplements on biochemical factors and liver enzymes in male bodybuilders in Dehdasht City. This experimental study is a type of laboratory science. A total number of 20 male bodybuilders were selected and divided into two experimental and control groups. Informed consent was obtained from all participants. The experimental group bodybuilders received oxymetholone and Methandrostenolone steroid supplements for 6 weeks, 4 days a week. The data was analyzed using SPSS 23 and paired sample and independent t-test. The results showed that the amount of biochemical factors of Oxalate, Urea, Calcium and Creatinine significantly increased (p≤0.05) in the experimental group compared to the control group after one month of using esteroidal supplements (p≤ 0.05). Research results showed that the use of steroidal supplements of oxymetalone and methandrostenolone increase the biochemical factors, which can be influential in an increase in kidney diseases among athletes.
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