Identification Plant Parasitic Nematodes of Pistachio Orchards in Semnan province
Subject Areas : Journal of Animal Biology
Mahdi Mohammadi Moghadam
Mohammad Niknam
Masomeh Haghdel
Mahdi Naeimi
1 - Agricultural and Horticultural Science Research Department, Center for Agricultural and Natural Resources Research and Education of Semnan Province (Shahroud), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Shahroud, Iran
2 - Department of Plant-Medical Research, Research and Education Center for Agriculture and Natural Resources of Semnan Province (Shahroud), Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Shahroud, Iran
3 - Pistachio Research Institute, Horticultural Science Research Institute, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization, Rafsanjan, Iran
4 - Department of Herbal Medicine, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
Keywords: Taxonomy, Pistachio Root-knot nematode, Dagger nematode, Lesion nematode,
Abstract :
Identification of alive Pathogenic factors and their successful control is one of the important challenges in pistachio production. In this research, 126 soil and root samples were collected from different pistachio growing areas of Semnan province in order to investigate and identify harmful plant nematodes. After transferring the samples to the laboratory, the nematodes were extracted by sieving and centrifugation, fixed using the completed degrease method and transferred to glycerin. Then, permanent microscopic slides were prepared from the nematodes separated by sex. After microscopic studies, morphological and morphometric characteristics were determined and identified using reliable scientific sources. In this study, 14 genera and species of plant harmful nematodes including Boleodorus thylactus, Criconemoides sp, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Helicotylenchus pseudorubustus, Irantylenchus sp, Meloidogyne incognita, Meloidogyne javanica, Pratylenchus thornei, Tylenchus devanei, Tylenchorhynchus sp, Rotylenchus sp, Zygotylenchus guevarai, Paratylenchus sp, Xiphinema sp was identified. Among the identified nematodes, the highest frequency of the population belonged to the two species M. incognita and M. javanica, Root-knot nematodes. These two types of nematodes were present in 35% of the collected samples. After Root-knot nematodes, the nematode Z. guevarai had the highest population density among the samples. This nematode has been reported as one of the internal migrant nematodes of the roots of dicotyledonous plants. But in this study, it was only separated from the soil. Investigating the damage caused by Root-knot nematode and Z. guevarai in pistachio orchards is one of the research priorities in Semnan province, and it is necessary to carry out more comprehensive investigations in relation to them.
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