Investigating the Different Antioxidant Effect of Turmeric and Melatonin in Three Tissues of Brain, Liver and Kidney under the Conditions of Social Stress
Subject Areas :
Journal of Animal Biology
Irandokht Zeynaei
Shahrbanoo Oryan
Mohammadreza Vaez Mahdavi
Akram Eidi
1 - Department of Biology, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
2 - Department of Biology, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Physiology, Shahed University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
4 - Department of Physiology, Shahed University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Received: 2022-09-14
Accepted : 2023-01-08
Published : 2023-08-23
Oxidative stress,
Abstract :
The purpose of this research is to investigate the antioxidant effect of turmeric and melatonin in three tissues of brain, liver and kidney under the same stressful conditions.For this purpose, 40 male Wistar rats were kept in different conditions to induce the desired stresses.Stresses include: food restriction, change of roommate and observation in conditions of having and not having turmeric and melatonin antioxidants.The rats were kept for 10 weeks in the defined conditions for each group, and after the completion of the period, the level of glutathione present in the homogenate of the brain, liver and kidney tissues was evaluated.At first, to ensure the induction of stress, the amount of glutathione and malondialdehyde was measured and compared to the control group.The result indicated the increase of glutathione and malondialdehyde and in fact the induction of stress.The general result indicates the effectiveness and protective effect of turmeric and melatonin in inhibiting oxidative stress in all three mentioned tissues, but this effectiveness is not seen in all three tissues with the same intensity.Contrary to the fact that turmeric was able to reduce the level of malondialdehyde and prove its antioxidant role in all three tissues of the brain, liver and kidney, it could not show its antioxidant role well in the liver tissue and the amount of glutathione did not decrease.Unlike turmeric, melatonin was able to show its antioxidant role in liver tissue cells better than in brain and kidney tissue, so that it was able to reduce the level of glutathione in these two tissues.Therefore, antioxidants probably have different functions in different tissues.
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