The Effect of Aerobic Training and Cinnamon on Leptin Gene Expression in Fat Tissue of Obese Male Rats Feeded by High Fat Diet
Subject Areas :
Journal of Animal Biology
Mohammad Mokhailefi
Nematollah Nemati
Tahereh Bagherpoor
1 - Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
2 - Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
3 - Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences, Damghan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Damghan, Iran
Received: 2021-04-20
Accepted : 2021-05-01
Published : 2023-08-23
Abstract :
Serum leptin levels have a very important and decisive role in controlling body weight and fat mass due to its effect on appetite and the ability to reduce energy intake and the amount of physical activity with the ability to increase energy consumption. Consumption of some herbal anti-obesity compounds such as cinnamon can also be effective and useful in reducing body fat mass and controlling obesity. The present study was conducted with the aim of determining whether six weeks of aerobic exercise and consumption of cinnamon extract has an effect on leptin gene expression in adipose tissue of male rats fed with a high-fat diet. Consumption of cinnamon extract (200 mg/kg of body weight) and high-fat food (150 ml of high-fat food emulsion in excess of the daily diet) five days a week on leptin gene expression in adipose tissue of male rats fed with the diet High-fat food was carried out in the form of a multi-group research project with a control group. Real Time-PCR method was used to check the gene or mRNA expression of the desired proteins. The variables were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance, Bonferroni, and one-sample t tests at a significance level of p < 0.05. According to the results, the effects of high-fat diet, the combination of high-fat diet and aerobic exercise, the combination of high-fat diet and cinnamon, and the combination of high-fat diet and aerobic exercise and cinnamon on the variable of leptin in adipose tissue were significant and significant, so that the consumption of high-fat food caused adverse changes in the expression of this gene, but six weeks of exercise and consumption of cinnamon extract moderated the adverse effects of a high-fat diet and produced favorable changes in the expression of this gene and body weight and fat tissue weight. In addition, the combination of six weeks of exercise and cinnamon extract has far more favorable effects in modulating the adverse effects of diet on the expression of this gene.
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