The Effects of Inhaling the Toxic Mixture of Bleach and Detergent Materials on Leukocytes of Mice
Subject Areas : Journal of Animal Biology
غلامحسن واعظی
فاطمه طوسی
عبدالحسین شیروی
مهسا پورکاظم
فرشته علی آبادی
1 - دانشیار دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی واحد سمنان، سمنان، ایران
2 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد دامغان، گروه زیست شناسی، دامغان، ایران
3 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد دامغان، گروه زیست شناسی، دامغان، ایران
4 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد دامغان، گروه زیست شناسی، دامغان، ایران
5 - دانشگاه آزاد اسلامی، واحد دامغان، گروه زیست شناسی، دامغان، ایران
Keywords: Mice, Detergent, chlorine, Bleach, Leukocyte, Inhalation,
Abstract :
Today,bleachandcleaningmaterialsarethemost commonproductsthatareused bythe public.Sometimes amixtureofbleachanddetergentsforcleaninguse someoftheChemistryof thefurtherrelease ofchlorine gaspoisoningandthesymptomsaresevere.Chlorinegashas been knownas a mucus membranes and respiratory tract irritant .This gas can increase free radicals. Free radicalscancausecell damage.Theeffects ofinhalingthe gasanditsconsumptiononbody tissuesandbloodcells,complete informationis available The aimof this studythe effects ofinhalingtoxicmaterials,bleachanddetergentmixtureofbloodcellsinthemice.42adult male mice NMRIweighing35andplusmn;3 g and10 to 8weeksto6 groupswere divided intoexperimentalandcontrolgroups. Experimentalgroup1 - 2 -3 withthechamberaglass(chamber)to beinhaledfor 20 minutestosprayamixtureof1 ccof bleachanddetergent were usedby thenebulizer.Experimentalgroups4-5-6, 35minutestoinhalethe same amountofmaterialreceivedmiceat24 to 48-72 hoursafterinhalationofblood sampling, they werethenGiemsastainedslidespreparedandexaminedNewbury.Thestudywasdoneby increasing theexposuretimeincreasedsignificantly thenumber ofleukocytesanderythrocyteswere foundtohavebeentransformed.Increasedduration ofexposure toa mixture ofbleachanddetergent, and over time changesincreased thenumber ofleukocytes.