Mechanisms of influence of cultural and social factors on the determination of jurisprudence
Subject Areas : فقه و مبانی حقوقMahmood Mansouri 1 , Hossein Azhdarizadeh 2 * , Mohammadhossein Pouryani 3
1 - PhD. Student, Department of Jurisprudence and Fundamentals of Law, Mahalat Branch, Islamic Azad University, Mahalat, Iran
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Studies and Sociology, Naraq Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naraq, Iran
3 - Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Naraq Branch, Islamic Azad University, Naraq, Iran
Keywords: real ruling, change of topic, Cultural and social factors, determination of jurisprudence, change of ruling,
Abstract :
The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the mechanisms of the influence of cultural and social factors on the determination of jurisprudence by a descriptive-analytical method. In fact, this research seeks to answer the question that what are the mechanisms of the influence of cultural and social factors on jurisprudence? Since the rulings of the Holy Sharia are legislated according to the real interests and evils, the question that is often noticed and repeated is that according to the belief of Muslims in the immortality of Islamic rulings and the immutability of the rules and sanctities established by the hand of the Prophet Dear Islam, how and with what mechanism do new cultural and social factors affect the determination of jurisprudence in line with the dynamics of Islamic jurisprudence and in order to respond to the needs of the day The results of this study showed that cultural and social factors are effective in determining jurisprudence in the three areas of changing the actual ruling, changing the apparent ruling, and changing the government ruling with different mechanisms. In the field of changing the real rulings, cultural and social factors by creating a change in the subject of the ruling, the precedent of the ruling, the property of the ruling or the property of the ruling, as well as the deterioration of the cause of the ruling, as well as creating a change in the importance of the ruling and the occurrence of conflict between two rulings in the position of compliance, in the change of the real ruling and They affect its determination In the apparent rulings, cultural and social factors by creating a change in the appearance of the jurisprudential reason, making the case or seasonality of the ruling appear, discovering the governmental nature of the ruling, making the reason of the ruling appear to be high-ranking, and changing the meaning by paying attention to the normal or rational means of the meaning, change these rulings. They cause In governmental rulings, cultural and social factors influence the determination of jurisprudence by changing the importance of divine laws, interests, and public order through the ruling jurist.
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