Jurisprudential investigation of alcoholic drinks with new instances
Subject Areas : فقه و مبانی حقوقmarjan farhani nejad 1 * , سید محمد مهدی احمدی 2
1 - Daneshjo
2 - عضو هیئت علمی دانشگاه آزاد قم
Keywords: "psychedelic", "alcoholic drinks", "narcotic", "psychoactive", "addiction",
Abstract :
Knowing the subject of psychedelic, how much they are addictive, how they are produced and the ways of their production and distribution and also how to deal with this social dilemma is one of the important issues in society in order to prepare an appropriate cultural medium and ways of protection against this disease and addiction be known. Producing culture, in this case, about the subject of psychedelics is being done by media, books and articles, conferences and meetings. But by the growing trend of the amount and the kind of psychedelics, it is advised for more researches to be done in this area. The point that is of a great importance is the variety of psychedelics which is growing and they are in different type and shapes which facilitates their accessibility For stating the essence of the matter, in this domain. In this thesis Above all, some points, about all kinds of psychedelics and goals of society, are being posed. About the bases of jurisprudence and law, law enforcement of alcoholic drinks and narcotics on psychedelics which is one of the most crucial issues to be scrutinized in this research some information has been stated. The result of this research will be that we will witness a kind of promising society far from any kind of addiction to this destructive drugs and social dilemma, regarding to the stating of the issue and informative thoughts that has been shared Key words: alcoholic drinks, psychedelic, addiction, psychoactive, narcotic.