Earth worm role on bioremediation of lead and cadmium heavy metals in maize
Subject Areas :
Agroecology Journal
Ali Eftekhari
Morteza Sam Daliri
Hamid Reza Mobasser
Amir Hosein Shirani Rad
Ali Reza Valadabadi
1 - Department of Agronomy, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
2 - Department of Agronomy, Chalous Branch, Islamic Azad University, Chalous, Iran
3 - Department of Agronomy, Ghaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ghaemshahr, Iran
4 - Department of Industrial Crops, Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran
5 - Department of Agronomy, Takestan Branch Islamic of Azad University, Takestan, Iran
Received: 2017-05-17
Accepted : 2018-01-05
Published : 2018-01-21
environmental pollutant,
heavy metal toxicity,
tolerance index,
Abstract :
To investigate the earthworm role in bio-remediation of lead and cadmium heavy metals and changes in their adsorption trend in corn, a pot experiment was carried out as factorial based on randomized completely block design with three replications in 2011. The treated pots received 20 earthworm individuals with 0, 150 and 300 mg/kg of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). The increase of Cd and Pb concentrations led to higher Cd and Pb accumulation in grains. Pb highly accumulated in roots; however, Cd root accumulation was 63% less. Also, an increment of 14% was observed in plant tolerance index in presence of earthworm up-taking considerable amount of Pb and Cd. More tolerated plants against Pb was because of higher Pb translocation to shoots than Cd. Higher concentrations of Pb and Cd in soils severely decreased earthworm population and increased their accumulation in earthworm, indicating the success of the earthworm in the bio-remediation of heavy metals. Furthermore, Pb accumulated in higher levels than Cd in earthworm bodies. Therefore, earthworm application is recommended in bio-remediation of soils contaminated to heavy metals.
Avila GG, Gaete HH, Sauve SS, Neaman AA (2009) Organic matter reduces copper toxicity for the earthworm Eisenia fetida in soils from mining areas in Central Chile 85 p.
Darling CTR, Thomas VG (2005) Lead bioaccumulation in earthworms, Lumbricus terrestris, from exposure to lead compounds of differing solubility. Science of the Total Environment 346(1): 70-80.
Farooqi ZR, Shafiq D (2009) Toxic effects of lead and cadmium on germination and seeding growth of Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(1): 27-33.
Garcia M, Römbke J, de Brito MT, Scheffczyk A (2008) Effects of three pesticides on the avoidance behavior of earthworms in laboratory tests performed under temperate and tropical conditions. Environmental Pollution 153(2): 450-456.
Irizar A, Rodriguez MP, Izquierdo A, Cancio I, Marigomez I, Soto M (2015) Effects of soil organic matter content on cadmium toxicity in Eisenia fetida: Implications for the use of biomarkers and standard toxicity tests. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 68(1): 181-192.
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Mahdavi SM, Sarfam M, Choab A (2011) Investigation effect of vermin-compost, poultry manure and cow manure on soil cadmium transition. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of Strategic Achievements in Sustainable Agriculture. Khouzestan Payam Nour University. 1-9 pp. [in Persian with English Abstract]
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Mertens J, Vervaeke P, Meers E, Tack FM (2006) Seasonal changes of metals in willow (Salix sp.) stands for phytoremdiation on dredged sediment. Environmental Science Technology 40: 1962-1968.
Naderi M, Danesh Shahraki AR (2011) Phyto-remediation: towards to improved environment safety. Proceedings of the First National Conference of Strategic Achievement to Sustainable Aagriculture. Khouzestan Payam Nour University. 1-9 pp. [in Persian with English abstract]
Khan AG, Kuek C, Chaudhry TM, Khoo CS, Hayes WJ (2000) Role of Plants, mycorrhizae and phytochelators in heavy metal contaminated lend remediation. Chemosphere 41: 197-207.
Pinthus M J (1973) Loading in Wheat, barley and oats: the phenomenon, its causes, and preventive measures. Advance in Agronomy 25: 209-263.
Todd LL, George E. Taylor Jr., Mae SG, George CJF (1998) Mercury and plants in contaminated soil: 1: Uptake, partitioning, and emission to the atmosphere. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17: 2063–2071.
Soltani M (2009) Research on the effectiveness of Trichoderma in improving soil fertility, disease control and reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides application inclusion in cultivation of leafy vegetables in pilon-Smitse phyto-remediation. Plant Biology 56:1539.
Kelly JJ, Häggblom MM, Tate RL (1998) Effects of heavy metal concentration and remediation on soil microbial on soil microbial communities in the vicinity of a zinc smelter. Journal of Environmental Quality 27: 609-617.
Wang G, Su MY, Chen YH, Lin FF, Luo D, Gao SF (2006) Transfer characteristics of cadmium and lead from soil to the edible parts of six vegetable species in south eastern China. Environmental Pollution 144: 127-135.
Yang XE, Long Ye HB, Calvert D, Sfoffella PJ (2004) Cadmium tolerance and hyperaccumulation in a new Zn- hyperaccumulating plant species. Plant and Soil 259: 181-189.
Avila GG, Gaete HH, Sauve SS, Neaman AA (2009) Organic matter reduces copper toxicity for the earthworm Eisenia fetida in soils from mining areas in Central Chile 85 p.
Darling CTR, Thomas VG (2005) Lead bioaccumulation in earthworms, Lumbricus terrestris, from exposure to lead compounds of differing solubility. Science of the Total Environment 346(1): 70-80.
Farooqi ZR, Shafiq D (2009) Toxic effects of lead and cadmium on germination and seeding growth of Albizia lebbeck (L.) Benth. Pakistan Journal of Botany 41(1): 27-33.
Garcia M, Römbke J, de Brito MT, Scheffczyk A (2008) Effects of three pesticides on the avoidance behavior of earthworms in laboratory tests performed under temperate and tropical conditions. Environmental Pollution 153(2): 450-456.
Irizar A, Rodriguez MP, Izquierdo A, Cancio I, Marigomez I, Soto M (2015) Effects of soil organic matter content on cadmium toxicity in Eisenia fetida: Implications for the use of biomarkers and standard toxicity tests. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 68(1): 181-192.
Jamshidi Z, Golchin A, Pari-Zanganeh A (2013) The effect of different levels of chromium and exposure time on growth parameters of earthworms. Journal of Kashan University of Medical Sciences 16(7): 625-626. [in Persian with English abstract]
Khan NA, Ahmad I, Singh S, Nazar R (2006) Variation in growth, photosynthesis and yield of five wheat cultivars exposed to cadmium stress. World Journal of Agricultural Sciences 2(2): 223-226
Liu L, Chen H, Cai P, Liang W, Huang Q (2009) Immobilization and phyto-toxicity of Cd in contaminated soil amended with chicken manure compost. Journal of Hazardous Materials 163: 563-567.
Mahdavi SM, Sarfam M, Choab A (2011) Investigation effect of vermin-compost, poultry manure and cow manure on soil cadmium transition. Proceedings of the 1st National Conference of Strategic Achievements in Sustainable Agriculture. Khouzestan Payam Nour University. 1-9 pp. [in Persian with English Abstract]
Manteghi N (1986) Methods description and experimental investigation on soil and water samples. Soil and Water Research Institute 168: 175 pp. [in Pesian]
Marchiol L, Assolari S, Sacco P, Zerabi G (2004) Phytoextraction of heavy metals by canola (Brassica napus) and raddish (Raphanus sativus) grown on multicontaminated soil. Environmental Pollution 132(1): 21-24.
Mertens J, Vervaeke P, Meers E, Tack FM (2006) Seasonal changes of metals in willow (Salix sp.) stands for phytoremdiation on dredged sediment. Environmental Science Technology 40: 1962-1968.
Naderi M, Danesh Shahraki AR (2011) Phyto-remediation: towards to improved environment safety. Proceedings of the First National Conference of Strategic Achievement to Sustainable Aagriculture. Khouzestan Payam Nour University. 1-9 pp. [in Persian with English abstract]
Khan AG, Kuek C, Chaudhry TM, Khoo CS, Hayes WJ (2000) Role of Plants, mycorrhizae and phytochelators in heavy metal contaminated lend remediation. Chemosphere 41: 197-207.
Pinthus M J (1973) Loading in Wheat, barley and oats: the phenomenon, its causes, and preventive measures. Advance in Agronomy 25: 209-263.
Todd LL, George E. Taylor Jr., Mae SG, George CJF (1998) Mercury and plants in contaminated soil: 1: Uptake, partitioning, and emission to the atmosphere. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 17: 2063–2071.
Soltani M (2009) Research on the effectiveness of Trichoderma in improving soil fertility, disease control and reduction of chemical fertilizers and pesticides application inclusion in cultivation of leafy vegetables in pilon-Smitse phyto-remediation. Plant Biology 56:1539.
Kelly JJ, Häggblom MM, Tate RL (1998) Effects of heavy metal concentration and remediation on soil microbial on soil microbial communities in the vicinity of a zinc smelter. Journal of Environmental Quality 27: 609-617.
Wang G, Su MY, Chen YH, Lin FF, Luo D, Gao SF (2006) Transfer characteristics of cadmium and lead from soil to the edible parts of six vegetable species in south eastern China. Environmental Pollution 144: 127-135.
Yang XE, Long Ye HB, Calvert D, Sfoffella PJ (2004) Cadmium tolerance and hyperaccumulation in a new Zn- hyperaccumulating plant species. Plant and Soil 259: 181-189.