Effect of aeration and topdressing on quantitative and qualitative traits of Lolium grass
Subject Areas :
Agroecology Journal
Mahboubeh Ghazali
Mohammad Reza Nouri
Abouzar Rahmati
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Received: 2014-02-05
Accepted : 2014-08-10
Published : 2014-07-23
Leaf color,
luliom grass,
rate of leaf density,
Soil compaction,
water infiltration,
Abstract :
Traffic and over irrigation cause to compress soil in lawn area. Soil compaction considered is undesirable because it reduces hydraulic conductivity and water infiltration and increase evaporation in soil surface. The foctorial experiment was conducted to evaluate effect of aereation (punching 1 cm diameter holles on the surface in a regular grid pattern) and topdressing techniques on lolium grass.We initialed aeration in 3 level (5×5, 10×5 cm spacing and no aeration) and 2 level topdressing (with topdressing and without topdressing) with sand and compost were performed to investigate their influence on grow of luliom lawn in the city of Isfahan in june 2010. Height and weight of grass, rate of leaf color and leaf density were measured in 3 times 10, 70 and 130 days after aeration and topdressing. Results show that weight, height and color of lawn leaf significantly greater with topdressing. The aeration with 10×5 cm spacing with topdressing was highest infiltration, in addition, weight, height and color of the lawn leaves rate increased compared to control treatment. The results can be advised for maintaining acceptable weight, height and color grass leaves is sufficient. lawn Aeration only, recommended in flood area to control runoff and further intake to soil.
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