Evaluation of resistance in different grape cultivars against Uncinula necator in Meshkinshahr region, Iran
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalHossein Karbalaei Khiavi 1 * , haji shikhlinski 2 , asadallh babaei ahari 3 , asghar heydari 4 , hossein fathi 5
1 - research assistant professor of agriculture and natural resources research center of ardabil province.
2 - professor of azerbaijan national academy of sciences, genetic resources institute, baku, azerbaijan.
3 - department of plant protection, college of ageiculture, university of tabriz
4 - plant pests and diseases research institue, tehran.
5 - agriculture and natural resources research center of ardabil province.
Keywords: Erysiphe necator, Oidium tuckeri, grape powdery mildew, resistant cultivars, Cultural Management,
Abstract :
Powdery mildew is one of the most serious diseases of grapevine in all over the world including Iran. It can impose remarkable losses to grapvien orchards in favorable condition. In this experiment, 14 cultivars of grapes including Shahani, Kishmishi, Rasmi, Tokolgan, Garashilig, Seyrakpousteh, Khalili, Tabarzeh, Koupakbogan, Aldarag, Sahibi, Agshilig, Yagothi and Tabriz-kishmishi were evaluated under natural infection and artificial inoculation during 2007- 2008 in Meshkinshahr region. Disease severity on leaf and fruit cluster was evaluated by Wang and Voytovich scales in which 0: immune, 1: very resistant, 2: resistant, 3: tolerant, 4: susceptible and 5: very susaptable. Shahani, Yagothi and Tabriz-kishmishi cultivars were Immune, Sahibi was highly resistant, Agshilig and Tokoulgan were resistant, Kishmishi, Khalili and Tabarzeh were tolerant, Aldarag and Koupakbogan were susceptible and Garashilig, Seyrakpousteh and Rasmi were highly susceptible to powdery mildew. In general, in highly infected areas, using Shahani, Yaghuti, Tabriz-kishmishi would be more recommendable for new grapevine orchard establishment.
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