Identification of Fusarium species associated with wheat, barley and corn in West Azarbaijan Province, Iran
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalNabi Khezrinejad 1 * , Younes Rezae Danesh 2
1 - Academic staff, member of plant protection department, IAU-Mahabad
2 - Department of Plant Protection
Mahabad Branch
Islamic Azad University
Mahabad, Iran
Keywords: o biodiversity, o fungal flora, o mycoflora, o taxonomy,
Abstract :
Fusarium is the soil born fungus which is very economically important and includes several plant pathogenic species infecting a wide range of different plants including geramineous ones. In this research, diversity of Fusarium species associated with wheat, barley and corn was studied morphologically. The infected or suspected crown, root and stem of plants were collected from different area of West Azarbaijan Province, Iran. For isolation, the growth media of PDA, NS and DCPA were used. After purification, to make sporulation, microconodium chain and chlamydospore production, different media cultures were used. Identification was conducted using morphological and morphometrical characteristics on especial media cultures and conditionsusing diagnostic keys. Totally, 11species including Fusariumacuminatum, F. bactridiodes, F. chlamydosporum, F. compactum, F. culmorom, F. coeruleum, F. flocciferum,F. nygamai, F. oxyporum, F. polyphialidicum, and F. solaniwere identified. The most species diversity belonged to barley, wheat and corn, respectively. F. polyphialidicum, F. bactridiodesand F. coeruleumare new reports for mycoflora of Iran.
1. Amini J, Ershad D, Torabi M (1998) A survey on mycoflora of wheat root in Tehran province. Proceedings of The 13th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
2. Anonymous (2014) Statistical databases. Available on-line as < > on 24 July 2014.
3. Arie T, Christiansen SK, Yoder OC, Turgeon, BG (1997) Efficient cloning of Ascomycete mating type genes by PCR amplification of the conserved MAT HMG box. Fungal Genetics and Biology 21(1): 118-130.
4. Booth C (1971) The Genus Fusarium. Common Wealth Mycological Institute: Kew.
5. Burgess LW, Summerell BA, Bullock S, Gott KP, Backhous D (1994) Laboratory Manual for Fusarium Research. Fusarium Research Laboratory Department of Crop Science University of Sydney, Royal Botanic Gardens: Sydney.
6. Burgess Lw, Trimboli D (1986) Characterization and distribution of Fusarium nygamai, sp. nov.. Mycologia 78(2): 223-229.
7. Burgess LW, Nelson PE, Tousson TA (1989) Stability of morphological characters of Fusarium nygamai. Mycologia 81(3): 480-482.
8. Cotton TK, Munkvold GP (1998) Survival of Fusarium moniliforme, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans in maize stalk residue. Phytopathology 88(6): 550-555.
9. Darvishnia M (1997) Etiological studies root and crown rot of wheat in Lorestan province. Master Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University: Tehran, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
10. Ellis JJ (1988) Section Liseola of Fusarium. Mycologia 80(2): 255-258.
11. Ershad D (1995) Fungi of Iran (2nd Edition). Ministry of Jahad-e-Agriculture, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization: Tehran.
12. Ershad D (2009) Fungi of Iran (3nd Edition). Ministry of Jahad-e-Agriculture, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization: Tehran.
13. Foroutan A, Bamdadian T, Valipour M, Kiyanoosh H (1995) Fungi associated with root and crown rot of wheat in Mazandaran province. Proceedings of the 12th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
14. Gerlach W, Nirenberg H (1982) The Genus Fusarium- A Pictorial Atlas. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Braunschweig und Berlin.
15. Goswami RS, Kistler HC (2004) Heading for disaster: Fusarium graminearum on cereal crops. Molecular Plant Pathology 5(6): 515-525.
16. Kazemi H (2002) Fusarium associated with root and crown of wheat in Tehran province. Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
17. Koochaki A, Khiabani H, Sarmadnia G (1996) Crop Production. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad: Mashhad.
18. Leslie JF, Summerell BA (2006) The Fusarium Laboratory Manual. Wiley-Blackwell: New Jersey.
19. Leslie JF, Zeller K, Summerell BA (2001) Icebergs and species in population of Fusarium. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 59(3): 107-117.
20. Mansoori B, Ravanlou A, NooralahiKh, Azadbahkt N, Jafaree H, Ghalandar M (2002) Comman root rot of wheat, a prevalent disease in west Azarbaijan, Ilam, Lorestan, Markazi and Zanjan. Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
21. Marasas WFO, Nelson PE, Tousson TA, Vanwyk PS (1986) Fusarium polyphialidicum, a new species from South Africa. Mycologia 78(4): 678-682.
22. Moradzade Eskandary M, Falahati Radtgar M, Jafarpour B (1998) Identification pathogenicity and distribution of Fusarium species associated with root and crown of wheat in Khorasan provice. Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
23. Mostofizadeh Ghamfarsa R, Banihashemi Z, Taghani SM (2002) Antagonistic mechanisms of wheat rhizospheric fluorescent pseudomonads in Fars province. Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract].
24. Naderpour M (2004) Mycoflora of Zea mays cv. Sc 704 seed in Moghan. Proceedings of the 16th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Tabriz, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
25. Naeemi S, Hedjaroude GA, Okhovat SM, Khosrani V, Padasht F (2002) Introduction pf the fungi associated with sheath rot of rice in Mazandaran and Gilan provinces. Proceedings of 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
26. Nelson PE, Toussoun TA, Marasas WFO (1983) Fusarium Species, an Illustrated Manual for Identification. Pennsylvania state University press, University Park: Pennsylvania.
27. Nelson PE, Desjardins AE, Platnner RD (1993) Fumonisins, mycotoxins produced by Fusarium species biology, chemistry and significance. Annual Review Phytopathology 31: 233-252.
28. Nirenberg HI, O'donnell K (1998) New Fusarium species and combination within the Gibberella species complex. Mycologia 90(3): 434-458.
29. O’donnell K (1996) Progress towards a phylogenetic classification of Fusarium. Sydowia 48(1): 57-70.
30. O'donnell K, Sutto DA, Rinaldi Mg, Magnon KC, Cox PA, Vanburik JH, Padhye A, Aniassie EJ, Francesconi A, Walsh TJ, Robinson JS (2004) Genetic diversity of human pathogenic members of the Fusarium oxysporum complex inferred from multilocus DNA sequence data and amplified fragment lenthpolymorpnism analysis: evidence for the recent dispersion of a geographically widespread clonal lineage and nosocomial origin. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42(11): 5109-5120.
31. Pascoe LG (1990) Fusarium morphology I: identification and characterization of a third conidia type, Themesoconidium. Mycotaxon 37(1): 121-160.
32. Ravanlou A (2000) Etiology of root and foot rot of wheat in West Azarbaijan. Proceedings of the 14th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Isfahan, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
33. Ravanlou A, Banihashemi Z (1998) Identification and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with crown and root rot of wheat in Fars. Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
34. Rheeder JP, Marasas WFO, Nelson PE (1996) Fusarium globosum, a new species from corn in Southern Africa. Mycologia 88(3): 509-513.
35. Rouhibakhsh A, Ershad D (2000) Incidence of Fusarium species in root and crown of wheat in the cold area of Ilam province. Proceedings of the 14th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Isfahan, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
36. Safaee D (2004) Fungi associated with root and crown rot of wheat in Kermanshah province. Proceedings of the 16th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Tabriz, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
37. Safaee D, Hedjaroude A, Okhovvat MM (2000) Fusarium species that cause root and crown rot of wheat in Kermanshah province irrigated fields. Proceedings of the 14th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Isfahan, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
38. Seifert K (1996) Fuskey: Fusarium Interactive Kev. Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Research Branch, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre: Ottawa.
39. Summerell BA, Salleh B, Leslie JF (2003) A utilitarian approach to Fusarium identification. Plant Disease 87(2): 117-128.
40. Taylor JW, Jacobson DJ, Fisher MC (1999) The evolution of asxcual fungi: reproduction, speciation and classification. Annual Review Phytopathology 37: 197-246.
41.Taylor JW, Jacobson DJ, Kroken S, Kasuga T, Gelser DM, Hibbett DS, Fisher MC (2000) Phylogenetic species recognition and species concepts in fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology 31: 21-32.
42. Zare R (1995) A taxonomic survey of Fusarium species isolated from cereals in Gorgan and Dasht region. Master Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University: Tehran, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
43. Zare R, Ershad D (1997) Fusarium species isolated from cereals in Gorgan area. Iranian Journal Plant Pathology 33(1/2): 1-14. [In Persian with English abstract]
_||_1. Amini J, Ershad D, Torabi M (1998) A survey on mycoflora of wheat root in Tehran province. Proceedings of The 13th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
2. Anonymous (2014) Statistical databases. Available on-line as < > on 24 July 2014.
3. Arie T, Christiansen SK, Yoder OC, Turgeon, BG (1997) Efficient cloning of Ascomycete mating type genes by PCR amplification of the conserved MAT HMG box. Fungal Genetics and Biology 21(1): 118-130.
4. Booth C (1971) The Genus Fusarium. Common Wealth Mycological Institute: Kew.
5. Burgess LW, Summerell BA, Bullock S, Gott KP, Backhous D (1994) Laboratory Manual for Fusarium Research. Fusarium Research Laboratory Department of Crop Science University of Sydney, Royal Botanic Gardens: Sydney.
6. Burgess Lw, Trimboli D (1986) Characterization and distribution of Fusarium nygamai, sp. nov.. Mycologia 78(2): 223-229.
7. Burgess LW, Nelson PE, Tousson TA (1989) Stability of morphological characters of Fusarium nygamai. Mycologia 81(3): 480-482.
8. Cotton TK, Munkvold GP (1998) Survival of Fusarium moniliforme, F. proliferatum and F. subglutinans in maize stalk residue. Phytopathology 88(6): 550-555.
9. Darvishnia M (1997) Etiological studies root and crown rot of wheat in Lorestan province. Master Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University: Tehran, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
10. Ellis JJ (1988) Section Liseola of Fusarium. Mycologia 80(2): 255-258.
11. Ershad D (1995) Fungi of Iran (2nd Edition). Ministry of Jahad-e-Agriculture, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization: Tehran.
12. Ershad D (2009) Fungi of Iran (3nd Edition). Ministry of Jahad-e-Agriculture, Agricultural Research, Education and Extension Organization: Tehran.
13. Foroutan A, Bamdadian T, Valipour M, Kiyanoosh H (1995) Fungi associated with root and crown rot of wheat in Mazandaran province. Proceedings of the 12th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
14. Gerlach W, Nirenberg H (1982) The Genus Fusarium- A Pictorial Atlas. Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft: Braunschweig und Berlin.
15. Goswami RS, Kistler HC (2004) Heading for disaster: Fusarium graminearum on cereal crops. Molecular Plant Pathology 5(6): 515-525.
16. Kazemi H (2002) Fusarium associated with root and crown of wheat in Tehran province. Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
17. Koochaki A, Khiabani H, Sarmadnia G (1996) Crop Production. Ferdowsi University of Mashhad: Mashhad.
18. Leslie JF, Summerell BA (2006) The Fusarium Laboratory Manual. Wiley-Blackwell: New Jersey.
19. Leslie JF, Zeller K, Summerell BA (2001) Icebergs and species in population of Fusarium. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology 59(3): 107-117.
20. Mansoori B, Ravanlou A, NooralahiKh, Azadbahkt N, Jafaree H, Ghalandar M (2002) Comman root rot of wheat, a prevalent disease in west Azarbaijan, Ilam, Lorestan, Markazi and Zanjan. Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
21. Marasas WFO, Nelson PE, Tousson TA, Vanwyk PS (1986) Fusarium polyphialidicum, a new species from South Africa. Mycologia 78(4): 678-682.
22. Moradzade Eskandary M, Falahati Radtgar M, Jafarpour B (1998) Identification pathogenicity and distribution of Fusarium species associated with root and crown of wheat in Khorasan provice. Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
23. Mostofizadeh Ghamfarsa R, Banihashemi Z, Taghani SM (2002) Antagonistic mechanisms of wheat rhizospheric fluorescent pseudomonads in Fars province. Proceedings of the 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract].
24. Naderpour M (2004) Mycoflora of Zea mays cv. Sc 704 seed in Moghan. Proceedings of the 16th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Tabriz, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
25. Naeemi S, Hedjaroude GA, Okhovat SM, Khosrani V, Padasht F (2002) Introduction pf the fungi associated with sheath rot of rice in Mazandaran and Gilan provinces. Proceedings of 15th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Kermanshah, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
26. Nelson PE, Toussoun TA, Marasas WFO (1983) Fusarium Species, an Illustrated Manual for Identification. Pennsylvania state University press, University Park: Pennsylvania.
27. Nelson PE, Desjardins AE, Platnner RD (1993) Fumonisins, mycotoxins produced by Fusarium species biology, chemistry and significance. Annual Review Phytopathology 31: 233-252.
28. Nirenberg HI, O'donnell K (1998) New Fusarium species and combination within the Gibberella species complex. Mycologia 90(3): 434-458.
29. O’donnell K (1996) Progress towards a phylogenetic classification of Fusarium. Sydowia 48(1): 57-70.
30. O'donnell K, Sutto DA, Rinaldi Mg, Magnon KC, Cox PA, Vanburik JH, Padhye A, Aniassie EJ, Francesconi A, Walsh TJ, Robinson JS (2004) Genetic diversity of human pathogenic members of the Fusarium oxysporum complex inferred from multilocus DNA sequence data and amplified fragment lenthpolymorpnism analysis: evidence for the recent dispersion of a geographically widespread clonal lineage and nosocomial origin. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 42(11): 5109-5120.
31. Pascoe LG (1990) Fusarium morphology I: identification and characterization of a third conidia type, Themesoconidium. Mycotaxon 37(1): 121-160.
32. Ravanlou A (2000) Etiology of root and foot rot of wheat in West Azarbaijan. Proceedings of the 14th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Isfahan, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
33. Ravanlou A, Banihashemi Z (1998) Identification and pathogenicity of Fusarium species associated with crown and root rot of wheat in Fars. Proceedings of the 13th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Karaj, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
34. Rheeder JP, Marasas WFO, Nelson PE (1996) Fusarium globosum, a new species from corn in Southern Africa. Mycologia 88(3): 509-513.
35. Rouhibakhsh A, Ershad D (2000) Incidence of Fusarium species in root and crown of wheat in the cold area of Ilam province. Proceedings of the 14th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Isfahan, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
36. Safaee D (2004) Fungi associated with root and crown rot of wheat in Kermanshah province. Proceedings of the 16th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Tabriz, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
37. Safaee D, Hedjaroude A, Okhovvat MM (2000) Fusarium species that cause root and crown rot of wheat in Kermanshah province irrigated fields. Proceedings of the 14th Iranian Plant Protection Congress. Isfahan, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
38. Seifert K (1996) Fuskey: Fusarium Interactive Kev. Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Research Branch, Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre: Ottawa.
39. Summerell BA, Salleh B, Leslie JF (2003) A utilitarian approach to Fusarium identification. Plant Disease 87(2): 117-128.
40. Taylor JW, Jacobson DJ, Fisher MC (1999) The evolution of asxcual fungi: reproduction, speciation and classification. Annual Review Phytopathology 37: 197-246.
41.Taylor JW, Jacobson DJ, Kroken S, Kasuga T, Gelser DM, Hibbett DS, Fisher MC (2000) Phylogenetic species recognition and species concepts in fungi. Fungal Genetics and Biology 31: 21-32.
42. Zare R (1995) A taxonomic survey of Fusarium species isolated from cereals in Gorgan and Dasht region. Master Thesis, Tarbiat Modares University: Tehran, Iran. [In Persian with English abstract]
43. Zare R, Ershad D (1997) Fusarium species isolated from cereals in Gorgan area. Iranian Journal Plant Pathology 33(1/2): 1-14. [In Persian with English abstract]