Optical differences of ex vitro and in vitro plantlets of Boston fern, Nephrolepis exaltata Schott cv. Bostoniensis
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalMarzieh Shafiee Hajiabad 1 * , reza Fotohi Ghazvini 2
1 - Scientific Board of Islamic Azad University, Kashmar Branch.
2 - Associate Professor of Department of Horticultural Science, University of Guilan. Rasht, Iran.
Keywords: In vitro culture, Optical studies, Acclimation, Boston fern, Nephrolepis exaltata Schott cv. Bostoniensis,
Abstract :
In vitro formed plantlets perceive environmental stresses in transferring to in vivo condition due to their special morphological characteristics. Precise determination of differences between in vitro and acclimated plants can lead to successful acclimation of plantlets. Recently, optical studies are exploited as nondestructive and fast methods in exact determination of these differences. The current study was conducted to determine anatomical and morphological differences between ex vitro and in vivo plants by optical method. In this study, in vitro and acclimated plantlets of Boston fern, Nephrolepis exaltata Schott cv. Bostoniensis, which were cultured and rooted on 1/2 MS basal medium supplemented with 20 g.l-1 sucrose and 0.5 mg.l-1 benzyl adenine (BA) were used. Tri-dimensional pictures revealed that the surface of acclimated plant’s leaves were about 6-10 times smoother than in vitro ones. The comparison of reflective spectrum of in vitro and acclimated plantlets showed the most differences in the amplitude of the green wavelength (545-555 nm) and the red wavelength (670-685 nm).
1- حمید اوغلی، ی.، شفیعی حاجیآباد، م.، و آذریان، ح. 1384. بررسی اثرات کاربرد سوپرجاذب و بسترهای مختلف گلدانی بر سازگاری گیاهچههای کشت بافتی (سرخس بوستونی). اولین همایش تکنولوژی تولیدات گلخانه ای، رشت.
2- شفیعی حاجی آباد، م. و حمیداوغلی، ی.، و فتوحی قزوینی، ر. 1386. اثر غلظتهای نمکهای معدنی، ساکارز و بنزیل آدنین بر آغازش رشد درون شیشهای رانرهای سرخس بوستونی. مجله علوم و فنون اصفهان، جلد 11، شماره 2، ص. 230-220.
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