Effect of spring planting date on morpho-physiological traits of safflower genotypes in Kermanshah, Iran
Subject Areas :
Agroecology Journal
Mohammad Aref Tabad
Bashir Ayobnejadegan Jermi
Zanyar Kohnepooshi
Masomeh Asadi Gakieh
1 - Department of Medicinal Plants
Jahad-e Daneshgahi Center of Kermanshah
Kermanshah, Iran
2 - Master of Horticulture
Urmia University
Urmia, Iran
3 - Master Student of Biotechnology and Molecular Genetics
Science and Research Branch
Islamic Azad University
Tehran, Iran
4 - Instructor of High-tech Center Technical and Vocational Central Office
Kermanshah, Iran
Received: 2016-09-16
Accepted : 2017-01-01
Published : 2017-01-20
o Arak 2811,
o late sowing,
o early sowing,
o Sina,
o Goldasht,
Abstract :
The current study was conducted to evaluate the effect of sowing date on morpho-physiological traits of safflower genotypes in spring planting. The experiment was carried out in split-plot based on randomized complete block design in three replications. Sowing dates of March 21, April 04 and 19 and cultivars including Arak 2811, Esfahan landrace, Goldasht and Sina assigned in main and sub plots, respectively. The traits of dry weight at vegetative, budding, and flowering stages, relative growth rate, plant height, branches number per plant, boll number per plant, seednumber per boll, 100 seed weight, biological yield, seed yield and harvest index were measured. The effect of planting date was significant on all studied traits but seed number per boll, 100 seed weight and harvest index. The sowing date of March 21 and April 04had the highest and the lowest yield, respectively. The interaction of planting date in genotypes was significant for traits of dry weight at vegetative, budding and flowering stages, and relative growth rate. Sina and Arak 2811 cultivars had the highest and thelowest yield, respectively. The highest positive significant correlation was between biological and seed yield. Also, there was a negative significant correlationbetween relative growth rate and seed yield, indicating the role of these physiological traits on safflower seed yield. Therefore, planting of Sina cultivar of safflower on March 21 is recommending in Kermanshah climate condition.
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