The effects of vermicompost and chicken manure on potato yield in Kermanshah
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalFarshad Zandian 1 * , Amin Farina 2
1 - Yong Researchers and Elite Club Kermanshah Branch
2 - Assistant professor of Agronomy
Islamic Azad University
Keywords: o fertility, o sustainable agriculture, o organic manure, o organic agriculture, o vermicompost,
Abstract :
To determine the effect of vormicompost and chicken manure on potato yield and yield components in Kermanshah climate condition, a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three replications was conducted with four vormicompost rates of 0 as control, 3, 6 and 9 t/ha and poultry manure rates of 0, 10, 12 and 14 t/ha. Number of stems and tubers per plant, tuber weight and tuber yield significantly increased with chicken manure and verrmicompost application. Interaction between vormicompost and chicken manure showed that the potato received 3 t/ha of vermicompost and 10 t/ha of chicken manure caused the highest yield two times more than control. This treatment had the highest effect on the number of tubers per plant.Also, the highest tuber weight and number of stems per plant were obtained in 3 t/ha of chicken manure and 12 vormicompost and 12 t/ha, respectively. Correlation evaluation showed that there was a significant positive relationship between the number of stems per plant and final yield.Generally, 3 t/ha of vormicompost and 10 t/ha of chicken manure was recommended to increase potato yield production.
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