Effect of Chloro Cholin Chloride (CCC) and spraying time on yield, physiological traits and antioxidant enzyme activity of corn (Zea mays cv. Sc 704)
Subject Areas : Agroecology Journal
Mohammad Nabi Ilkaee
davoud habibi
farzad paknejad
naser khodabandeh
massoud aliakbar bojar
fateameh sedigi
1 - Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch.
2 - Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch.
3 - Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch.
4 - Faculty Members of Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch.
5 - Faculty Member of Tarbiat Moalem University.
6 - M.Sc. Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch.
Keywords: Drought stress, Antioxidant enzymes, spraying time, Chloro Cholin Chloride (CCC),
Abstract :
Aim of this research was evaluation of Chloro Cholin Chloride (CCC) and spraying time effects on physiological traits and activation of some atioxidant enzymes in corn (cv. 704) under drought stress. This research carried out using a split- split plot in based of a Randomized Complete Block Design with four replication in the research field of the Azad university in Karaj branch (Mahdasht) in 2007. Normal irrigation and drought stress (irrigation withhold after anthesis) allocated to main plots, treatments of spraying concentrations (0 and 1.5 Lit/ha) to sub plots and spraying time at (6 leaf stages and 15 days later on) to sub-sub plots. Results showed that drought stress effect on cytoplasm membrane stability, activity of Glutation oxidaze and Super oxide dismotase (SOD) enzymes (p≤1%) and also grain yield and Catalaze enzyme activity (p≤5%) was significant. The CCC application with concentration of 1.5 Lit/ha on yield and relative water content (RWC) (p≤5%) and antioxidant enzyme activity (p≤1%) was significant. Amount of RWC for CCC treatments (65.5%) compared to the control (60.6%) showed significant differents.The grain yield for CCC treatments (10.7 ton/ha) was significantly higher than control (9.1 ton/ha). SOD activity for CCC (1740.5 mg. pico mol) was also significantly higher than the control (888.1 mg. pico mol).
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