Effect of manganese, zinc and boron micronutrients foliar application at different growth stages on quantitative characteristics of rainfed wheat cultivars
Subject Areas : Agroecology JournalMajid Ahmadi 1 , Naser Mohebalipour 2 * , Vali Feizi-Asl 3 , Iraj Eskandari 4
1 - MSc. Student, Faculty of Agriculture, Miyaneh Branch, Islamic Azad University, Miyaneh, Iran.
2 - Assistant Prof., Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Faculty of Agriculture, Miyaneh Branch, Islamic Azad
University, Miyaneh, Iran.
3 - Faculty Member of Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Maragheh, Iran.
4 - Faculty Member of Dryland Agricultural Research Institute, Maragheh, Iran.
Keywords: Foliar application, boric acid, zinc sulfate, reinfed wheat, Microelement, Manganese sulfate, quantitative characteristics,
Abstract :
In order to evaluate the effects of foliar application of manganese, zinc and boron on grain quality and quantity characteristics of dryland wheat, a split-split plot experiment was conducted based on a randomized complete block design with three replications. Experiment was carried out in Dryland Agricultural Research Station in Maragheh region, northwest Iran during 2008-2009. Wheat cultivars (Azar2 and Homa) were planted in main plots. Foliar application time in three stages of tillering (GS32), stem elongation (GS37) and flag leaf emerging (GS64) and foliar application of micronutrients (control, pure water, 35g.ha-1 manganese sulfate, 25 g.ha-1 zinc sulfate and 15 g.ha-1 boric acid) were also allocated to subplots and sub-subplots, respectively. Results showed that foliar application of microelements significantly affected grain yield, spike number per area unit, dry weight and fresh weight of flag leaf and harvest index. According to the results, application of 35 g.ha-1 manganese sulfate and 25 g.ha-1 zinc sulfates had non significant effect on grain yield. Application of 15 g.ha-1 boric acid resulted in the highest yield (1418 kg. ha-1), dry weight and fresh weight of flag leaf. The highest number of spikes per m2 was observed with application of 35 g.ha-1 manganese sulfate. According to these results, tillering stage (GS32) was the best stage for foliar application of micronutrients that produced the highest yield (1630 g.ha-1). Azar2 was better cultivar and produced 32 and 36 percent higer biological and grain yield in comparison to Homa cultivar, respectively.
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