winner stock momentum in Iran
Subject Areas : Financial Markets and Institutions
Mehdi Elhaei Sahar
Rezvan Hejazi
Allah Karam Salehi
Hossein Moltafet
1 - Department of Accounting, Ahvaz Branch, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz, Iran
2 - Department of Accounting, Khatam University, Tehran, Iran
3 - Department of Accounting, Faculty of Humanities, Masjed-Soleiman branch, Islamic Azad University, Masjed-Soleiman, Iran
4 - Social Science Department, Faculty of Economics and social science, Shahid Chamran University, Ahvaz, Iran
Keywords: Grounded Theory, Winner stock momentum, Iranian capital market,
Abstract :
Lately, the anomalies in capital markets have severely challenged the efficient hypothesis. The winner stock momentum is one of the anomalies called the unexplained short-term return by Fama and French (1996). The current study attempts for explaining the winner stock momentum in the Iranian capital market. The grounded theory method was used to explain wining stock momentum. To this end, in-depth interviews were held with 32 specialists working in the professional and academic grounds in 2018. The collected data were encoded in three stages, and the results were presented as a conceptual paradigm. Then, to quantify the model by the fuzzy analytic hierarchy process, a pairwise comparison questionnaire was distributed among the specialists. The research results are presented as a qualitative-quantitative model and the story extracted by grounded theory.The study discoveries recognized the momentum causal factors in the behavioral level, the background factors in the social, macroeconomics, and market levels, the intervening factors in the global economics, macroeconomics, market, and company levels, and the strategies in the social, macroeconomics, market, the investment and finances institutions, and consequences factors in market level.The study results propose that the winner stock momentum phenomenon must not be considered a speculation opportunity. Rather, it is an anomaly that has to be controlled with the suggested strategies.
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Antoniou, C., Doukas, J. A., & Subrahmanyam, A. (2013). Cognitive dissonance, sentiment, and momentum. Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 48(1), 245-275.
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Demirer, R., Lien, D., & Zhang, H. (2015). Industry herding and momentum strategies. Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, 32, 95-110.
Edwards W. (1968). Conservatism in human information processing. In Formal Representation of Human Judgement, ed. B Kleimutz. New York: Wiley.
Fadaeinejad, Mohammad Ismail; Sadeghi, Mohsen (2006). Investigating the usefulness of momentum and reverse strategies in Tehran Stock Exchange. Management Message Quarterly, Year 5. No. 17. [In Persian].
Fama, E. F., & French, K. R. (1993). Common risk factors in the returns on stocks and bonds. Journal of financial economics, 33(1), 3-56.
Fama, E. F., & French, K. R. (1996). Multifactor explanations of asset pricing anomalies. The journal of finance, 51(1), 55-84.
Fuertes, A. M., Miffre, J., & Tan, W. H. (2009). Momentum profits, nonnormality risks and the business cycle. Applied Financial Economics, 19(12), 935-953.
Fuller, K., Goldstein, M. (2006). Do dividends matter more in declining markets? Working paper, University of Georgia.
Gebhardt, W. R., Hvidkjaer, S., & Swaminathan, B. (2005). Stock and bond market interaction: Does momentum spill over?. Journal of Financial Economics, 75(3), 651-690.
George, T. J., & Hwang, C. Y. (2004). The 52‐week high and momentum investing. The Journal of Finance, 59(5), 2145-2176.
Goebel, P. R., Harrison, D. M., Mercer, J. M., & Whitby, R. J. (2013). REIT momentum and characteristic-related REIT returns. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 47(3), 564-581.
Gorton, G. B., F. Hayashi, and G. K. Rouwenhorst. (2013). The Fundamentals of Commodity Futures Returns. Review of Finance, 17, 35–105.
Grundy BD, Martin SJ. (2001). Understanding the nature of risks and the sources of rewards to momentum investing. Rev. Financ. Stud. 14:29–78
Hao, Y., Chu, H. H., Ko, K. C., & Lin, L. (2016). Momentum strategies and investor sentiment in the REIT market. International Review of Finance, 16(1), 41-71.
Hillert, A., Jacobs, H., & Müller, S. (2014). Media makes momentum. The Review of Financial Studies, 27(12), 3467-3501.
Hong, H., & Stein, J. C. (1999). A unified theory of underreaction, momentum trading, and overreaction in asset markets. The Journal of finance, 54(6), 2143-2184.
Hung, S., and J. Glascock. (2008). Momentum Profitability and Market Trend: Evidence from REITs. Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 37, 51–69.
Hur, J., & Singh, V. (2016). Reexamining momentum profits: Underreaction or overreaction to firm-specific information? Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, 46(2), 261-289.
Hur, J., Pritamani, M., & Sharma, V. (2010). Momentum and the disposition effect: the role of individual investors. Financial Management, 39(3), 1155-1176.
Islami Bidgoli. Gholamreza; Nabavi Chashmi. Sayed Ali; Yahya Zadehfar. Mahmood; Iykani. Sadegh (2010). Investigating the profitability of momentum investment strategy in Tehran Stock Exchange. Quarterly Journal of Quantitative Studies in Management, Year 1. No. 1. [In Persian].
Jegadeesh N, Titman S. (2001). Profitability of momentum strategies: an evaluation of alternative explanations. Journal of Finance. 56:699–720.
Jegadeesh, N., and S. Titman. (1993). Returns to Buying Winners and Selling Losers: Implications for Stock Market Efficiency. Journal of Finance, 48, 65–91.
Jegadeesh, N., and S. Titman. (2011). Momentum. Annual Review of Financial Economics, 3, 493–509.
Johnson, T. C. (2002). Rational Momentum Effects. Journal of Finance, 57(2),585–608.
Jostova, G., N. Statnislava, P. Alexander, and C. W. Stahel. (2013). Momentum in Corporate Bond Returns. Review of Financial Studies, 26, 1649–1693.
Kahneman, D. (1982). The simulation heuristic. in d. kahneman, p. slovic, & a. tversky (eds.), Judgment under uncertainty: Heuristics and biases (pp. 201-208).
Kahneman, D., and A. Tversky. (1979). Prospect Theory: An Analysis of Decision under Risk. Econometrica. Journal of the Econometric Society, 47, 263–292.
Kim, D., Roh, T.-Y., Min, B.-K., & Byun, S.-J. (2014). Time-varying expected momentum profits. Journal of Banking & Finance, 49, 191-215.
Lai, H. H., & Lin, S. H. (2020). White lie effects of information asymmetry on stock momentum. Heliyon, 6(4), e03816.
Lee, C., & Swaminathan, B. (2000). Price momentum and trading volume. The Journal of Finance, 55(5), 2017-2069.
Lewellen, J. (2002). Momentum and autocorrelation in stock returns. The Review of Financial Studies, 15(2), 533-564.
Liu, L. X., & Zhang, L. (2008). Momentum profits, factor pricing, and macroeconomic risk. The Review of Financial Studies, 21(6), 2417-2448.
Mengoli, S. (2004). On the source of contrarian and momentum strategies in the Italian equity market. International Review of Financial Analysis, 13(3), 301-331.
Menkhoff, L., L. Sarno, M. Schmeling, and A. Schrimpf. (2012). Currency Momentum Strategies. Journal of Financial Economics, 106, 660–684.
Miffre, J., and G. Rallis. (2007). Momentum Strategies in Commodity Futures Markets. Journal of Banking and Finance, 31, 1863–1886.
Moskowitz, T. J., & Grinblatt, M. (1999). Do industries explain momentum? The Journal of Finance, 54(4), 1249-1290.
Odean, T., (1998) Are Investors Reluctant to Realize Their Losses? Journal of Finance, 53, 1775-1798.
Okunev, J., and D. White. (2003). Do Momentum-Based Strategies Still Work in Foreign Currency Markets? Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, 38, 425–447.
Pani, B., & Fabozzi, F. J. (2021). Finding Value Using Momentum. The Journal of Portfolio Management.
Parhizgari, A. M., and D. Nguyen. (2008). ADRs under Momentum and Contrarian Strategies. Global Finance Journal, 19, 102–122.
Pour Zamani, Zahra; Arzi, Hadith (2016). Comparison of the effects of spread economic value added and momentum economic value added on stock returns. Journal of Management Accounting, Year 9. No. 29. [In Persian].
Qalibaf Asl, Hassan; Shams, Shahabuddin; Sadevand, Mohammad Javad (2010). Investigating the additional returns of the profit and price acceleration strategy in the Tehran Stock Exchange. Quarterly Journal of Accounting and Auditing Reviews, Year 3. No. 17. [In Persian].
Rahmani, Ali; Sarhangi, Hojjat (2011). Analysis of factors affecting stock return trading strategies. Financial Engineering and Securities Management, 3 (9), 79-104. [In Persian]
Sarwar, S. M., Lin, S. X., & Muradoǧlu, Y. G. (2018). Impact of Credit Risk and Business Cycles on Momentum Returns. In Handbook of Recent Advances in Commodity and Financial Modeling (pp. 17-39). Springer, Cham.
Stambaugh, R. F., J. Yu, and Y. Yuan. (2012). The Short of It: Investor Sentiment and Anomalies. Journal of Financial Economics, 104, 288–302.
Strobl, G. (2003). Information asymmetry, price momentum, and the disposition effect. Working paper.
Tan, Y. M., & Cheng, F. F. (2019). Industry-and liquidity-based momentum in Australian equities. Financial Innovation, 5(1), 1-18.
Thaler, R. H., & Shefrin, H. M. (1981). An economic theory of self-control. Journal of political Economy. 89(2), 392-406.
Turner, Scott F., Mitchell, Will and Bettis. Richard A. (2013). Strategic Momentum: How Experience Shapes Temporal Consistency of Ongoing Innovation. Journal of Management, Vol 39, Issue 7, pp. 1855 -1890.
Vassalou, Maria and Apedjinou., Kodjo. (2004). Corporate Innovation, Price Momentum, and Equity Returns. Working paper.
Wu, X. (2002). A conditional multifactor model of return momentum. Journal of Banking and Finance, 26,1675–1696.
Zhang, X. Frank. (2006). Information uncertainty and stock returns. Journal of Finance,61(1), 105-136.