Examining the Aspects of Cooperation and Interaction in the Culture and Folklore of the Kalhori Kurdish (Iwan-e Gharb and Somar-e Gharb Counties)
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Shahriyar Shadigu
Nafiseh Irani
Mehdi Ahmadikhah
1 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature Education, Farhangian University
2 - Assistant Professor, Department of Persian Language and Literature Education, Farhangian University, Tehran, Iran
3 - The instructor of Ilam University, Ilam, Iran.
Keywords: Cooperation and interaction, culture and folklore, Kalhori Kurdish, Iwan-e Gharb and Somar-e Gharb.,
Abstract :
The process of globalization and the competitive spirit of nations to achieve developmental aspirations have led to extensive cultural and social transformations. Although these changes are inherent and an inseparable part of societies, they have weakened national identity and ethnic cultures, which deserve attention to elements of national coexistence and the richness of ethnic culture in order to witness greater dynamism in multicultural societies and national cohesion. Therefore, to achieve these goals, societies need to revisit local subcultures. This research aims to explore the manifestations of the tradition of cooperation in the culture and folklore of the Kalhori Kurdish, which has historically strengthened past communities, using both library and field methods, with a descriptive-analytical approach and an interdisciplinary perspective, to find scientific answers to the research questions. These questions include: What aspects of interaction and cooperation existed in the culture and lifestyle of the Kalhori people in the past? Did cooperation and interaction play a role in poverty alleviation, strengthening social relations, advancing activities, managing human resources, and the lives of Kalhori Kurdish speakers in Iwan-e Gharb and Somar-e Gharb? And is there currently a reflection of these cultural relations in the folklore of the Kalhori? The findings of the research indicate that there are noteworthy manifestations of interaction and cooperation in the folklore of the Kalhori, which have played a significant role in advancing social goals, facilitating tasks, boosting the economy, managing human resources, ending ethnic conflicts, and eradicating poverty from Kalhori communities. Furthermore, it is observed that some of these relationships are currently reflected in the folklore of the Kalhori.
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