Sociological analysis of the Reflection of Kurdish Folk Musical Instruments in Divan-e- Ghaneh
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Samira Kanani
Mohammad Irani
Nouroddin Yousofi
1 - Ph.D. student of Persian language and literature Department of Persian language and literature, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
2 - Associate Professor of Persian Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
3 - Associate Professor of English Language and Literature Department, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Razi University, Kermanshah, Iran.
Keywords: Kurdish literature, Sociological, Musical Instruments, relationship between Kurdish music and poetry, Ghaneh, Thematic creation and illustration,
Abstract :
Music is an fundamental part of the culture of any nation, and it can be clearly stated that civilized and ancient nations enjoy music in their historical and cultural background. This cultural phenomenon has always been considered by poets due to the deep connection between poetry and music, and in their words, they have referred to music and its instruments. Kurdish language poets have also paid special attention to music and its instruments for nationalistic and literary purposes; they have referred to folk music and its instruments in different ways. Ghaneh, a famous Kurdish poet, is one of them. His divan is a rich source for the study of anthropology and popular culture. This article tries to study the function of musical instruments in Divan-e-Ghaneh in an analytical-descriptive approach based on the library method to explain the reflection of these musical instruments on the local music and folklore of the poet's region. The findings show that Ghaneh paid special attention to local musical instruments to enrich his poem. The poet has used Kurdish musical instruments, which are often local instruments, for various purposes such as making literary images, expressing social and nationalistic concepts, complaining about the world, describing various matters, mere references, and so on.
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